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Code of Conduct - Relaxacon '08

Arisia Relaxacon Code of Conduct and Behavior Policies

To help ensure our members' happiness and a successful convention, we have established a Code of Conduct and Behavior Policies for all members. We have no desire to police our membership, but we do have some requests and expectations that will help ensure a pleasurable weekend for all.

We will happily refund the membership fee of anyone who finds the policies contained herein unacceptable.


Relaxacon 2009

This page has moved. You should be automatically redirected to the new site!


Documents and Forms



Directions to MIT and Building 66

We usually meet in building 66 in room 168 (or one of the rooms next to it); if you enter at the "point" on Ames St, it is the first classroom on the left.

To get to the meeting, you'll first need to get get to MIT.

Here's a campus map, with Building 66 highlighted (it's the triangular building next to Ames St).



POLICIES of Arisia, Incorporated

Revised September 29, 2013-ish
With a few, but not all of the missing updates added since then.


Calendar of Events

Arisia's Calendar of Convention and Corporate meetings and other events.
(Click on "Month" for a monthly view of upcoming events).

Most meetings will be available by Zoom. Links will be sent to the appropriate mailing list (corp-announce or staff-announce) before the meeting. If you have any questions please email info


Grant Application Information Form

This sample application was taken from the Massachusetts Cultural Council grant application. The submitted application need not look exactly like this, but should contain the same information.

Submission date:



Mentor is the corporate newsletter of Arisia, Inc.

Table is in reverse chronological order. (Note: The date on Mentor is usually the month it was published, not the date of the Corporate meeting it describes. For example, the August 2020 Mentor describes the July 2020 Corporate meeting.)



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