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07/08 and 08/09 Corporate Budgets

Arisia 07-08 Corporate Budget

 08-09 Corporate Budget  

Income   Actual (YTD) Difference     
Dues $1,000 $1,302.00 $0 Dues $1,000
Interest $1,000 $1,049.92 -$400 Interest $600
A'08 Convention Payment $9,889 $10,388.00 $111 A'09 Convention Payment $10,000
Total Income $11,889 $12,739.92 -$289 Total Income $11,600


Expenses   Spent (YTD) Difference     
Rent ($797) per month -$9,564 $-8,767.00 $0 Rent ($797) per month -$9,564
Mailbox (paid through 5/1/08) -$325 $-325.00 -$325 Mailbox ($325, paid through 8/1/09) $0
Liability Insurance - Arisia -$500 $-524.01 $100 Liability Insurance - Arisia -$600
Liability Insurance - Relaxacon -$500 $-260.00 $100 Liability Insurance - Relaxacon -$600
Liability Insurance - Storage -$1,300 $-1,009.00 $200 Liability Insurance - Storage -$1,500
Student Art Contest Prizes -$500 $-575.00 $0 Student Art Contest Prizes -$500
USPS Bulk Account Permit -$160 $-175.00 $15 USPS Bulk Account Permit -$175
Mentor – Postage and Copying -$600 -$370.67 $0 Mentor – Postage and Copying -$600
Admin -$200 -$76.37 $0 Admin -$200
Supplies -$300 $-29.99 $0 Supplies -$300
Lawyer (as needed) -$300
$0 Lawyer (as needed) -$300
Domain Name (paid through 2010)  
$0 Domain Name (paid through 2010) $0
Server Hosting(*) -$300
-$300 Server Hosting $0
Credit Card/Paypal Fees -$10 $-14.08 $40 Credit Card/Paypal Fees -$50
$830 Capital Equipment Purchases -$830
$2,000 Contingency Fund -$2,000
Total Expenses -$14,559 $-12,126.12 $2,660 Total Expenses -$17,219
