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Update from the EBoard 11/14

The process of improving and being as good as our community deserves is far from over, but Sunday’s corporate meeting was a solid beginning.

Over 150 corporate members, the majority of them new, talked, debated, and worked together to elect replacements for the Executive Board members who had resigned.

Several of the newly elected officers have released statements accessible here:

Treasurer: Kris Pelletier
Clerk: Sol Houser
Member-At-Large: Cassandra Lease

The draft minutes for the November 11th meetings can be viewed here. We will also be publicizing when they’re finalized and approved into Mentor, and if you have any questions or to make corrections to the minutes email

We want to outline the transitioning of the outgoing Eboard members. Our standard policy is to leave outgoing members on the emailing lists and with access to documents and accounts for one month (four weeks) to help ease the transition period. Due to the nature of this specific situation the Eboard has decided to finalize the transition for all outgoing members this Friday, November 16th. Access for the past President, Noel Rosenberg, was terminated immediately on his resignation.

As part of this transition, we will be making internal changes to separate general eboard access from IR-specific access, which will make it easier for EBoard members to recuse themselves from IRs that might present a conflict of interest.

As always the corporate website has a list of all official communications:

Sol Houser, on behalf of the Executive Board