[Arisia Lens]

[October 10th Membership Statistics:

[23 Members (15 General) were present at the October Meeting. This constituted 66% Corporate Membership (4l% of the General Membership).]


Committee Reports:
Corporate Meeting:
Department Reports:
Disclaimer & Rates:
Executive Board:
New Business:
Old Business:
Officers Reports:
Proxies & Transfers:
Upcoming Events:

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Back Cover
Page 1
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Issue 36    November 1993


Executive Board Meeting
October 10th 1993

The meeting was called to order by the president, Joe Ross, at 1:25 p.m.

In Attendance: Joseph Ross, President; Nicholas Shectman, Vice-President; Allan Kent,
Treasurer; Edward Dooley, Clerk; Sheila Oranch, ConChair '95; also present: Rob Bazemore, Donna Dube, Donald Eastlake IV, Donald Eastlake III, Jill Eastlake, David Fassett, Walter Kahn, Sheri Kaplowitz, 'Zanne Labonville, Noel Rosenberg, Pat Vandenberg

There were no corrections to the minutes of the September E-Board Meeting.

The Executive Board's first order of business was to discuss the matter of the 1500 cap and what happens when we hit it. The Long Range Planning Committee's report of their meeting on 2/28/93 was discussed. From their report, the LRP had discussed giving the ConChair the discretion to increase the size of the convention cap one time up to a predetermined amount that the division heads felt the could absorb.

The point were raised that it would be unfair to turn away persons who had traveled a long distance. It was also pointed out that if we hit the limit and turned people away it was quite likely that they would still remain at the con-- wandering the facility without a badge, and presenting a possible security risk to the convention. An additional question was just how was the body count calculated. Did one day memberships count into the overall 1500 number? Did child memberships, Fans of the Future, Fastrack, Child in Tow, Necessary Companions figure into the figure and should they?

Executive Board:


Joseph Ross
648 Washington Street
Brookline, MA 02147
H:    (617)-734-7372
W:    (617)-367-0468


Allan Kent
15 Park Avenue Ext.
Arlington, MA 02174
H:    (617)-646-7681

ConChair '94   

Jim Belfiore
18 Dix Road
Maynard, MA 01754
H:    (508)-897-621J3


Nicholas Shectman
P0 Box 2457
Cambridge, MA 02238


Ed Dooley
37 Morton Street
Waltham, MA 02154
H:    (617)-894-4853
W:    (617)-890-2125
ext: 8113

ConChair '95

Sheila Oranch
45 Christopher Road
Holliston, MA 01746
H:    (508)-429-4301
Articles, comments, and items for Mentor should be submitted to the Clerk at the address shown above.

People are requested to use their discretion when calling the officers listed above, especially at their places of employment.

For up-to-date information by computer/modem, call Arisia BBS:  617/364-1576 or 617/364-3343.

Therefore it was decided that the E-Board would recommend to the membership that:

o The organization would monitor how early in the Con we appear to be exceeding the limit.
o The ConChair would be allowed to increase the membership cap by 200 before convening the E-Board in order to increase it further.

o The ConChair would consult the Division Heads, if possible, when approaching the limit with special attention to Member Services and Security (Operations).

A motion for Line Item Transfers had been submitted to the president which gave more authority to the ConChair than was comfortable. The point was raised concerning budgets in the past, particularly with 1992, that at some points no one knew what their particular
budget was (and therefore over spent), if a situation like that occurred again, and a line transfer was made, we would be in serious trouble.

The president presented his own version of the Line Item Transfer, which follows, which the E-Board would recommended to the membership:

1. The Convention Chairperson may transfer funds from the contingency fund in the convention budget in accordance with Section 9.4 of the Bylaws.

2. The Convention Chairperson may transfer transfer funds between any other line items in the convention budget provided that.

(a) the total sums of income and expenditures remains unchanged;

(b) the Convention Chairperson shall immediately report each transfer to the president
and to the corporate and convention treasurers; and

(c) each transfer shall be reported to the E-Board. Any transfer may be suspended or
overruled in accordance with Section 6.5 of the Bylaws.

A motion was made that ARISIA should endorse both the 1998 and the 2001 WorldConsm bids. It was decided that such an endorsement would not be
exhibiting favoritism to either bid, and that by endorsing both means we are actually endorsing a BOSTON WorldConsm.

Therefore, it was the recommendation of the E-Board to the membership:

To endorse both the 1998 and the 2001 BOSTON WorldConsm bids.

Sheila Oranch announced that she had asked Ken Knabbe to be her Convention Treasurer for ARISIA '95.  Ken stated that he would act as Convention Treasurer if
he had the assistance of Mike DiGenio on the finer points.

Ken was assured that many persons in the organization had Treasury experience, and assistance would be given.  With this understanding, Ken Knabbe accepted Sheila's

Therefore, the president appointed Ken Knabbe to the position of Convention Treasurer for ARISIA '95
(Congratulations Ken!)

The matter of the pun fine was discussed. Several members of the E-Board felt uncomfortable with the idea of the fine, even though it would raise money for the
grant fund. As one member of the board stated, it penalized the quiet members or persons who do not find it easy to pun.

As another member put it, when it was first introduced (at NESFA) it was fun for a nickel, but when the price went up he was careful on how often he punned. And yet another said they would rather reward witticism with some sort of point system rather than penalize. A negative feeling seemed evenly distributed among the board.

Therefore, it was the E-Board's recommendation to the membership:

Not to accept the pun fine.

Another item from the Long Range Planning report of last February was the need for a computer to the organization. Phi (Nick Shectman) volunteered a computer and other equipment which was suited to run LENNOX (I believe this was stated as a gateway to the
Internet--editor), but was not suited for data capture.

It was pointed out that there are several areas of the organization (both at-con and during the rest of the year) that require the use of a computer. Areas such as the database, registration, and the clerk need a computer.

It was decided that a Computer Needs Committee would be established.

The question of membership compensation was raised concerning reimbursement of memberships (from '93). (As per corporate policy, members who worked 18
hours/GOPHERS and 18.2 hours/STAFF received comp memberships to next year's con ('94).) People were reminded to keep track of their hours, turn in their hours
in order to obtain their comp, and so that registration would have a record of who got comp'd and be able to notify people.

The clerk informed the E-Board that he had received from Ted Atwood an estimate of the cost to rewire the ART SHOW's electrical and lighting requirements. The break down of the equipment needed was:
$ 75.00 for 32 mounting plates that will allow proper adjustment of the lights ($2.98 ea)
$ 10.00 for black plastic electrical tape.
$ 80.00 for 10 25' extension cord 14/3
$ 165.00 estimated cost for lighting repairs and redesign.

A total estimated cost of $330. Mention was also made of the need to allocate funds for the repainting of the panels. However, as we are moving into the autumn it was not felt as crucial to begin the repainting as we would not have many good weekends left to complete

Therefore, it was the recommendation of the E-Board to allocate $400 to start the overhaul of the ART SHOW electrical.

Concerning the location of the December and January meeting locations, it was decided that the December 5th meeting would be scheduled at the NESFA clubhouse and that we would hold off selecting a sight for the January 8th meeting. January 8th is a Saturday, and on street parking at the NESFA clubhouse is difficult (parking meters).

The president also appointed to the Budget Committee both the 1995 ConChair, Sheila Oranch, and the 1995 Convention Treasurer, Ken Knabbe.

The Clerk raised the question concerning who received Arisia's copies of the newsletters we receive from other organizations. The president explained that it had been decided that Jim Belfiore would receive the copies as the then clerk already received his own. It was noted that this could be changed if necessary. No action was taken.

As a final matter, it was confirmed that the official Corporate address is still Pat McCormacks, and it is still alright with Pat that it remain so.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30.



October 10, 1993

In Attendance: Rob Bazemore, Ed Dooley, Donna Dube (RS), Mark Dulcey, Donald Eastlake IV (RS), Donald Eastlake III, Jill Eastlake, David Fassett, Jeff Jordan (RS),
Walter Kahn, Sheri Kaplowitz, Allen Kent, Curtis Kremer (N), Zanne Labonville, Benjamin Levy, Patrick McCormack (RS), Sheila Oranch, Chris Palmer (RS), Noel Rosenberg (RS), A. Joseph Ross, Nicholas Shectman, Patricia Silva (N), Pat Vandenberg


The corporate meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.

The following corrections to the minutes of the September Meeting were noted:

o The appointments on page 7 should have read voted to approve on all rather than listed as motions.

o The vote on page 4 should have read motion on failed item rather than voted.

Two proxies were presented to the clerk during the meeting.

o Ted Atwood requested that Zanne Labonville vote on his behalf with no restriction.

o Rob Bazemore, who left the meeting early, requested that Nicholas Shectman vote on his behalf.

MOTION: was made to transfer the following the following members from RED SHIRT to
General membership:

Donna M. Dube
Jeff Jordan
Patrick McCormack
Chris Palmer
Noel Rosenberg

In accordance with the Bylaws, this motion was automatically tabled to the next meeting.



REMEMBER: It is YOUR responsibility to check
off your name on the attendance in order to count as
attending a meeting.


President's Report:

A. Joseph Ross reporting:

The president reported that he had received and accepted the resignation of Walter Kahn from Corporate Merchandising. Walter sited that he was overextended in other areas and need to cut back. Joe announced that anyone who wished to fill the vacancy should see him.

The president announced that he had appointed Ken Knabbe as the Convention Treasurer for ARISIA '95.

VOTED: To approve the appointment of Ken Knabbe as Convention Treasurer for ARISIA '95 by acclamation.


The president also announced that he was appointing Sheila Oranch, ConChair '95, and Ken Knabbe, Convention Treasurer '95, to the Budget Committee.

VOTED:    To approve the appointments of Sheila Oranch and Ken Knabbe to the Budget Committee by acclamation.

The president further announced that he was appointing Nicholas Shectman to the newly formed Computer Needs Committee.

VOTED:    To approve the appointment of Nicholas Shectman to the Computer
Needs Committee by acclamation.

Vice-President's Report:



Nicholas Shectman reporting:

The vice-president reported that he was waiting on an answer to who was allowed to obtain money from the Grant Committee (the question was raised at the last meeting if only fellow non-profits, individuals, or other organizations could qualify for grant money). Joe Ross informed Nick that he had not had the opportunity to look into the specifics of the matter as yet.

Nick also announced that he had (computer) equipment which he was willing to allow the corporation to use. Either for the net or other areas.

Treasurer's Report:


Allan Kent reporting:

The treasurer reported that the Budget Committee had not met, but the Treasurer's Report of the financial standing of the corporation was written--unfortunately he had not been able to have it copied in time for the meeting (the clerk received a copy of the report on October 12th, see appendix I). Checks had been written and were in the mail for people waiting on money from us.

Clerk's Report/


Ed Dooley reporting:

The clerk reported that there were now 102 more days until ARISIA '94. Everyone was asked to sign in, and for persons joining during the meeting the rate was $22, after the meeting the rate dropped to $20. As was made quite clear, Mentor, had undergone a style
transformation (a few persons asked that a different italics font either be used, or dropped--hopefully the present italic font used is better).

As had been pointed out by several persons (both mundane & fan) the newsletter of any organization, while sometimes under-rated by insiders, is the most visible representation to an outsider of what goes on. A good newsletter reflects a healthy organization.

In continuing the overhaul of Mentor, the clerk urged people to begin submitting stuff. Art Work, articles, gripes, etc. We got a lot of creative people in the organization.

Finally, the clerk asked that people remember that it is corporate policy that persons making a report submit the basics in writing. Too much goes on at any meeting
trying to track the ongoing changes to various reports in addition to getting the gist of the basics on the fly.

Membership surveys have gone out. All members are urged to return their surveys. No survey, no listing in membership roster.

As for the Database, the committee has not had an opportunity to formally sit down. An open work session is scheduled for October 19th, at Pat Vandenberg and Allan Kent's home. The items that the Chairperson of the committee set as a loose agenda are:

I.    While not in the scope of the project, the corporation should give serious consideration to acquiring a computer to run the database on when it is completed (hardware problem).

II.    Developing a long term time line stating when specific applications would be developed and brought online.


III.    Overall approach to problem:
(a)    The completed database will probably live on one machine with all application systems interacting together.

(b)    In  keeping with the previous system, the database application systems should be modular with complete data files in order to support applications.

(c)    A merge routine will be required to take the transaction data and integrate it with the main data files at the central database.

(d)    Target date for completion: The next Annual Meeting (September 1994).

(e)    Recommend no major changes to the system for one (1) year.
1.    Six months will be needed to train and break system.
2.    Six months will be needed to review what system enhancements will be needed.
IV.    People should be working on their "wish list" and get them to me ASAP so that they can be reviewed. People should be reviewing their own paper systems to see what works, and to give us an idea of what they would like their screens and reports to look like.

V.    These goals may be optimistic.



ConCom '94.

Jim Belfiore reporting:

Jim Belfiore was unable to attend the corporate meeting, reporting for him were Sheila Oranch and Pat Vandenberg. An apology to Jeff Jordan for the lack of a telephone number for the BBS in the recent mailing. This item will be corrected in the next mailing.

It was reported that Jenny Drysdale had resigned from her position on the ConCom, and Pat Vandenberg gave a quick summary of what occurred at the 12 noon ComCon meeting.

In brief:
o    Program book deadline is November 3rd.
o    Money obtained from the hotel is for lighting and decorating of the Castle (i.e. chairs)--the place is usually bare.
o    Kim Van Auken is producing art work for the badges which will be difficult to reproduce.
o    Investigation is being done into different types of badge holders which might be more secure that what we have used.
o    Sheila had ad information (SELL-SELL-SELL), and stressed that certain advertisers would be offered an opportunity to place coupons in the AT-CON newsletter.
o    Kevin Fallon is loaning a label printer and bar coder to the con.
o    Noel Rosenberg is accepting sign requests. The deadline is now (the person who is actually doing the signs for us has returned to school--a major ART school where he has access to a lot of neat stuff. If you wait you probably won't get what you could have!).
o    A work session is scheduled on the 19th (to run concurrently with the DATABASE MEETING) to do corrections on the mailings that have returned.

A request was made to people who distribute items to several people to indicate (in some fashion) who it had already been given to in order to cut down on duplication of effort.

ConCom '95:

Sheila Oranch reporting:

It was announced by Sheila that she had asked Ken Knabbe to serve as her treasurer and Ken had accepted.

The membership was told that an invitation had been sent to a writer to be GOH, and Sheila hoped that she should have a reply by Christmas. Also, the artist she
had selected as GOH was pending approval. She also stressed that persons running particular tracts of the Con should consider "special guest" for their area who (in keeping with her theme of diversity) who be minor GOH's for a particular tract

Sheila mentioned that for '95 she was seriously considering making a requirement of
BABYSITTING/Member Services that a pager be issued to parents at a cost of $10 (or so) to insure prompt return and retrieval of children. Sheila pointed out that the off time for the people in Babysitting is very small. One late parent can wipe out someone's dinner break.


If the pager is lost, so is the returnable portion of the  deposit, and the person is liable for the cost of the pager. Some discussion was given to possibly making this available to parents at '94, but it was pointed out  that as we have not published this in any of our flyers
that it would be unfair to slap this fee on people  expecting babysitting without previous notification. It may be instituted voluntarily.


Pat Vandenberg reporting:

Pat reported that in regards to storage, where we currently are looks good. Whether we can take advantage of a discount for early payment is being looked into.

Corporate Benefits:

Sheila Oranch reporting:   

Sheila reported that she need two things. The first was that she need someone who could make daytime phone calls (No one volunteered),
"Well, Sheila said, "that sort of ends my report!"

Corporate Merchandising:

Walter Kahn reporting:

Walter had nothing to report, initially. However, he did report later that the T-Shirt Samples sent to ConFransico are missing. If anyone has any information on them, they should either contact Joe Ross or the new merchandise representative.





VOTED:    To approve the E-Board's recommendation concerning what to do if we reach the 1500 person cap which was to:
o    The organization would monitor how early in the Con we appear to be exceeding the limit.
o    The ConChair would be allowed to increase the membership cap by 200 before convening the E-Board in order to increase it further.
Corporate Departments:
o    The ConChair would consult the Division Heads, if possible, when approaching the limit with special attention to Member Services and Security (Operations).

The recommendation of the E-Board concerning line transfers was discussed. Some members felt that it should be the authority of the Division Heads and not the ConChair to shift funds. As a past Division Head stated, he always asked for that authority as part of his
budget submission.

It was further felt that the ConChair should not be able to shift as it showed either poor planning or greed. 
(During all this the pizza showed up and several people asked if we could adjourn temporarily. So...)

The meeting adjourned for food at 3:40 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 4:15 p.m.

After much discussion the final policy was eventually hammered out.

1. The Convention Chairperson may transfer funds from the contingency fund in the convention budget in accordance with Section 9.4 of the Bylaws.


2. A Division Head, with the approval of the Convention Chairman, may transfer transfer funds between any other line items in the convention budget within that division provided that
(a) the total sums of income and expenditures remains unchanged;

(b) the Division Head shall report each transfer to the corporate and convention treasurers.
3. Transfers of funds, between divisions, may be made, with the approval of the E-Board, after the last Corporate Meeting before the Convention.

The membership:

VOTED:    to approve this policy, as amended.

A motion was made that ARISIA should endorse both the 1998 and the 2001 WorldConsm bids. It was decided that such an endorsement would not be exhibiting favoritism to either bid, and that by endorsing both means we are actually endorsing a BOSTON WorldConsm.

Therefore, it was the recommendation of the E-Board to the membership:

To endorse both the 1998 and the 2001 BOSTON WorldConsm bids.

The membership:

VOTED:    To endorse both the 1998 & 2001 BOSTON WorldConsm bids.

(Good Luck to both in their bidding!!)

Upon the recommendation of the E-Board against adopting a Pun Fine the membership:

VOTED:    to not adopt a pun fine for meetings.

Concerning the request from the ART SHOW for funds to rework their lighting and electrical needs:

$ 75.00 for 32 mounting plates that will allow proper adjustment of the lights ($2.98 ea)
$ 10.00 for black plastic electrical tape.
$ 80.00 for 10 25' extension cord 14/3
$ 165.00 estimated cost for lighting repairs and redesign.
A total estimated cost of $330.

The E-Board recommended to the membership that  $400 be allocated for the work. The membership:

VOTED:    to approve the allocation.


[Members are reminded that reports and announcements should be submitted in written form so that they may be accurately reported on in Mentor--especially in the next few hectic months. The clerk would appreciate if more members would remember this, thank you.

A request was made for an ONLINE flyer for the Bulletin Board for ARISIA '94.

200 to 300 large manila envelopes are presently available. Anyone mailing anything requiring one should see Phi.

Persons going to PHILCON (11/12 thru 11/14) should be aware that volunteers are needed for the party. If you are interested in helping out--see Phi.

NJAC has been canceled.

The next ConCom will be at Pat and Allan's on 10/26/93 at 7 p.m.

Jeff is currently working on a gateway to the BBS from Compuserve. At present it is only one-way.

A request was made for a one page explanation for the Convention Program Book on "HOW TO GET ON TO THE (BULLETIN) BOARD"

It was noted that NESFA tends to use GENIE. Arisia tends to use INTERNET.

Jeff made an appeal for people to start posting things to the Bulletin Board (MENTOR, ConCom News, etc)

Membership Surveys are due back--NOW.

WORLDCON is a service mark of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society.




10/26/93 ARISIA ConCom Meeting at 7 p.m. at the
home of Pat Vandenberg and Allan Kent,
15 Park Avenue Extension, Arlington MA.
(Contributions for refreshments welcome!)


THIS IS A SATURDAY) at 2 p.m. at the
home Pat Vandenberg and Allan Kent, 15 Park
Ave Extension, Arlington. The E-Board will
meet at 1 p.m.


12/5/93    ARISIA CORPORATE MEETING at 2 p.m.
at NESFA. E-Board will meet at 1 p.m.


--location to be announced.

1/20/94 Move In and Set Up at the BOSTON PARK

1/21/94 ARISIA '94 through 1/23/94 at the BOSTON

1/24/94 Tear down and Move Out at the BOSTON


2/18/94 BOSKONE 31 through 2/20/94 at the
Sheraton Tara, Framingham

Please notify the CLERK of any upcoming events or meetings which should go into this schedule.
Thank you.


[A recent posting to the BBS was brought to my
attention at the last corporate meeting. As I have asked
for submissions, the author of the posting said that it
might serve as a place to start, and that future postings
in the public area of the board might serve as filler. It
is reprinted here as it appeared on the board.]

FROM:    Pat McCormack
Sep-24-93 9:49:52
TO:    Joseph Ross


    Actually, I don't find that too surprising at all. Phi
is a very good person to throw into the Eboard. It
might help you to regain some of the credibility you lost
goimost[sic] of the people I've talked to since then were
amazed and appalled. Not just at the decision (Most of
them consider Sheila too big a flake to work for.), but
the process. To paraphrase most of the comments, you
had a short-handed, brain-dead Eboard made up of one
real officer, one newly appointed officer, and one officer
who was only waiting around to screw things up before
retiring. Then the appointee was brought out for a
rubber-stamp without anyone knowing that there were
better options available.

    Granted, some of that is slightly inaccurately.
However, the points that I do agree on are that: 1) You
should have delayed the decision until you had the full
Eboard. Given the current process of appointment,
Sheila was effectively being selected by as little as 2
people. Having to get a majority of 3 is better than
having to get a majority of 2. 2) Given that 2 of the
officers you did have were "temporary", it might have
been best to leave the entire matter to the next slate of
officers. 3) The system of appointed conchairs has just
shown its greatest weakness. The corporation might
really want to consider changing the by-laws to make it
an elected position. The entire process was perceived to
have an air of backroom skulduggery about it, from not
releasing the names of the candidates at the start to the
set of officers who did the appointment in the end.

    Well, you can take this for what its worth,
considering I'm officially not even a member of the
corporation anymore. Not so much that I don't want to
be, I just lost track of time at work on Sunday and
didn't remember to leave for the meeting until it was
too late anyway. I'll get to the October or November
meeting and start getting my voting rights back then.


Oh, yeah. I really did mean to post this publicly, since
so many people are saying behind closed doors, we
might as well get it out in the open where it can be
discussed by everyone.

FROM:    Joseph Ross
Sep-30-93 23:39:58
TO:    Pat McCormack
Subject:    Elections

Phi's election was surprising only in that it was
unexpected. While I knew that Phi was considering
running, he had not announced, and I did not know that
Rob would withdraw in his favor. I think Phi will be a
fine addition to the E-Board.

The process of appointment this year was the first time
that we had an actual selection to make. That means
that we were doing certain things for the first time and
had to learn as we went. While I was reluctant to
officially announce the candidates, only because no
policy had been set, the candidates were well known.
In fact, most or all had announced themselves publicly.
Policy has been adopted for the future in favor of
announcing candidates.

Also, we didn't realize that we would need to interview
candidates, since we knew everyone. Next year, I will
make sure that interviewing is planned and announced
(Only one candidate was not interviewed this year, and,
for other reasons, she really wasn't likely to be
appointed this year.).

We learned quite a bit from these interviews. In fact,
Sheila convinced us that she was not the flake some
people thought. You, also, convinced us that our
misgivings about you were not a problem. While all the
Board members who voted chose Sheila, you were a
close second in the minds of all.

We were also constrained by the fact that it is really
important to appoint the con chair early, and we were
already a month later than we had originally planned
because of the problems with Mentor. The remaining
criticisms are unfair to Heather, whose commitment to
Arisia is strong and long-standing, and Ed, whose
position was by appointment, but who was elected to the
position at that meeting (I think before we actually
made the appointment.). In any event, I think Sheila
will make a good con chair, arid I hope that we have
learned enough to do the process better in the future.
But, I can't see how the outcome would have been
different by a different process.

 FROM:    Pat McCormack
Oct-04-93 02:08:48
TO:    Joseph Ross

Subject:    RE: Elections

JR> While I was reluctant to officially announce the
JR> candidates, only because no policy had been set, the

Hey, Joe, it's the President's duty and prerogative to set
policy when there is none covering a situation.

JR> candidates were well known. In fact, most or all
JR> had announced themselves publicly.

I wouldn't say WELL known. Yes, most of the
candidates announced publicly, but those announcements
didn't necessarily spread to the entire membership.
Only an announcement in the Mentor can guarantee the
entire membership being informed.

Well, Joe, I think you missed a major point of my letter.
This wasn't about my participation in the process, or
about my losing out to Sheila. People were saying these
things in private and I thought they needed to get said
in public. When things like this stay in the closet, they
cause problems further down the line. Some loud
mouth needed to set them out in the open. I think
everyone will agree that I have a long reputation for
being among the first to say controversial things in

JR> We were also constrained by the fact that it is really
JR> important to appoint the con chair early, and we
JR> were already a month later than we had originally
JR> planned because of the problems with

Here I disagree with you. You should have allowed a
month between appointment and seeking ratification of
your appointment. My reason for saying this is that all
other major decisions by the corporation are all
automatically tabled until the next meeting. there were
good reasons the by-laws were written to make that
happen. First, you avoid looking like you're 'slipping
something past" the membership. Second, you allow the
membership time for discussion and contemplation. The
appointment of the Conchair is arguably the single most
important decision the corporation makes each year. It
isn't something that should be rushed through. That's


why I suggested the corporation might want to move
towards electing the conchair, rather than appointing it.
If you want to keep it as an appointment process, I
would suggest the following changes in procedure:
1) The Eboard should announce its choice and then wait
one month before putting it to a vote by the
2) The Eboard should foster discussion about the choice
by publishing it opinions of all the candidates.
Yeah, I know a scream for privacy will be raised about
the last one. We want to avoid hurt feelings, etc. but
I'll put it to you that the current process acts as a rubber
stamp. When there is no discussion, there's very little
chance that dissenting votes will be cast. People will not
vote something down if there appears to be no
alternative. Only when there are choices and a forum
for open discussion will you have a chance at getting an
informed decision from the membership. Hell, you
didn't even ASK if there was any discussion about the
appointment. (If I remember Robert's Rules correctly,
ratification of an appointment is not a privileged
motion that must be voted on without discussion.)

JR> Mentor. The remaining criticisms are unfair to
JR> Heather, whose commitment to Arisia is strong and
JR> long-standing, and Ed, whose position was by
JR> appointment, but who was elected to the position at
JR> that meeting (I think before we actually made the
JR> appointment.).

Well, you might think them unfair. I might think them
unfair. You have been in political situations before,
Joe. You should know that perception is often as
important as fact, if not more so. (Pardon me as I step
into the role of Devil's Advocate and show you the
worst case scenario for the appointment process.) From
some points of view, the decision looked like it was
rushed into simply to allow Heather her chance to affect
it. Yes, we technically elected Ed before the Eboard
made its decision. But, you strayed from established
procedure here. You opened the meeting, got him
elected so you would have quorum of officers, then
adjourned the meeting to hold an Eboard meeting to
make your appointment. All this was done while
another member of the Eboard was out of town, rather
than waiting for him to return. Taken together, in a
jaundiced light, this all looks kind of sleazy. That's what
you have to deal with, Joe. The facts may be something
else entirely, but some people are perceiving it in a
manner similar to what I described.

I'm sure there are people who are going to take this
whole bit I've said as sour grapes. I hope you know me
well enough to realize that is not my motivation here,
and that the things I have brought up are worthy of
discussion and consideration.   

FROM: Joseph Ross
Oct-09-93 00:27:44
TO:    Pat McCormack

SUBJECT:    Re: Elections

First, I have no objection to the discussion being carried
out in the open. In fact, I think it is healthy.

Second, the membership knew that the appointment of
con chair was going to be done at that meeting, and the
identities of the candidates was widely known. Next
year, the identities of the candidates will be announced
officially. I believe that is sufficient notice for all
members to know what is coming before the meeting.

Third, I believe that I asked for discussion before
putting the matter to a vote. This is from memory,
though, and minutes do not show much detail.

Fourth, I started the meeting when I did because we
were already about half an hour late starting the
meeting. We went through all reports before recessing.
We did also elect the clerk, and I did choose to do that
before making the appointment. But the fact of the
matter is, it didn't make any difference. From the point
when he was appointed interim clerk, Ed Dooley was a
member of the E-Board under the bylaws. Further,
there was no one else who wanted the job.

I suppose I can't win on that one. Before, you
criticized us for not waiting until we had an election.
Then, when it was pointed out that we had the election
first, you criticized us for that.

Fourth, we originally planned to appoint the con chair
in June (as we did last year with Jim). We were two
months behind because of the Mentor hiatus. We
managed to compress the process a bit, so that we
appointed in July. This was based on the feeling that
the con chair needed as much time as possible to get
organized, a point that we have discussed for several

Finally, while there are certain ways that I hope we will
do this better next year, based on the experience (and,
hopefully, we won't have a Mentor hiatus to impede
things), it sounds like nothing more than sour grapes to
call the process sleazy. We were feeling our way with


a process that was new to us, and did our best under the
circumstances. You may criticize our actions all you
want, but there was nothing sinister about our motives.

RE:    Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Ed Dooley

Breath everyone! About right now a lot of members are
probably questioning my sanity in all this. Am I crazy?
Do I want to throw gasoline on a fire?

To be honest, this editorial is an after thought. A
colleague, who isn't a member of Arisia, or any other
fan organization, told me I had a responsibility to
mediate. Wonderful. Well, here goes nothing.

Looking back, and I don't have to look back far, this
situation has probably been brewing since before I
became a corporate member (February 1992). I've
listen to the various stories circulating. Who did what
to who. Why that person can't stand someone else and
so forth. I've also heard from people how professional
we are. How impressed some organizations are with
our performance, and how we appear to be one of the
fast growing cons on this coast.

What's happened to the team spirit, people?

I didn't join the organization because of who the con
chair is--try not to faint guys, its nothing personal! I'm
not impressed by the posturing, or the egos--especially
since some people are telling me I'M developing one.
If it comes to that, I'll resign my position.

I have no ties to anyone in this organization, and I can
cut the cord at a moments notice. In short, even I don't
want the power of this position, but someone has to
make the decisions. You can either have someone who
wants to be in the spot light, and gets nothing done. Or
you can have someone who will work behind the scenes
getting the job done. None of this will matter 100 years
from now.

I don't believe that Sheila is the issue.

What I do think what is happening is that we are losing
focus of what this organization is about. Both Joe and
Pat had good points. The most important one being that
if we sweep this under the carpet it will be worse later on.

We are always quick to state that Arisia is about
advocacy and innovation. We are less quick to admit
that we don't always agree that we disagree. To some
its more important that things look nice, healthy and

This is not a popularity contest.

If we wish to keep that sharp, fresh edge, we have to be
willing to work with one another, even if it is with
someone who appears controversial. We have to be
willing to take a chance on new ideas that we haven't
done before; or old ideas that didn't appear feasible. At
least we will have tried. There is no room here for
negative energy. Its counter productive.

In closing, I really hope that people will sit back and
consider this problem and discuss it in a calm fashion.
No ego posturing. No patronizing. Listen to what the
other person is saying. Communicate.

The worst threat to this, or any organization, are egos,
personal agendas, and misperceptions.


[Please see the PDF file for a formated version of the Financial Report]


Arisia, Incorporated
Financial Report
for Fiscal Year ending 31 August 1993


Account    Beginning of    End of    Change    Notes
    Period    Period
Petty Cash    0.00    0.00    0.00
Cash - New World    10,675.46    8,874.82    -1,800.64
Cash - Park West (414-)    1,498.87    1,490.50    -8.37
Cash - Park West (3003-)    10,539.62    10,865.81    +326.19
total Cash    22,713.95    21,231.13    -1,482.82
less known refunds due of $131.00
Postage Advance Account    609.84    609.84    0.00    less add'l mail chgs not yet entered
Postage Due Advance Acct    75.00    75.00    0.00    less -135 chgs not yet entered
Trade Credits    30.00    30.00    0.00    Budget Films
Van Deposit    150.00    0.00    -150.00    charged to rental?
other current assets    864.04    714.04    -150.00
Capitalized Equipment    3,229.73    3,229.73    0.00    art show hangings
C.E. allowance for deprec.    1,658.56    1705.70    +47. 14
net capitalized equipment    1,571.17    1,524.03    -47.14
total assets    25,149.96    23,469.20    -1,680.76

+ = You hold Arisia money in trust (debit).
- = Arisia owes you money (credit).
a 0.00 entry indicates your account was non-zero during the period but is now zero.
Please verify the amount next to your name and notify the treasurer of discrepancies.
Name    Amount Notes
Ted Atwood        +18.43    remainder after art return mailing
Robert Bazemore        -34.20    after locks purchase
Jim Belfiore        + 100.00    double reimbursement for Balticon party?
Lauren Burka        -15.08    from '92
Heather Coon        0.00
Mike DiGenio        +501.21

Arisia, Incorporated -- FY93 Financial Report    2

Advances (continued)
Name    Amount Notes
Ed Dooley    -60.60
Mark Dulcey    -12.98
Larry Dunne    +140.00    from Petty Cash
Jill Eastlake    -38.00
Marshall Ellis    +30.00    from Petty Cash
Jim Fountas    -45.81    Gopher Hole stamps, etc.
Allan Kent & Pat Vandenberg    -346.46
'Zanne Labonville    0.00
Holly Love    +300.00    for '94 Art Show expenses
Skip Morris    -6.00    overpaid '93 dues
Nick Shectman (Phi)    -3.86    since FY '92
Walter von Bosau    -16.00    dues overpayment
total owed by Arisia (-)    562.99
total in trust for Arisia (+)    1,089.64
net advances    +526.65
net advances on 1 Sept 93 was +346.70
Account    Beginning    End of Change    Notes of Period    Period
Accounts Payable    6.00    6.00    0.00    overpayments of membership, art show fee
Advanced Dues (corporate)    384.00    48.00    -336.00    FY94 dues
Con Comm Newsletter Escrow    75.00    75.00    0.00    to defray part of con comm newsletter costs
Key Deposits Payable    0.00    30.00    +30.00
Promissory Notes Interest Payable    517.83    535.43    +17.60    to be paid off in October
Promissory Notes Principal Payable    2,625.26    2,625.26    0.00    to be paid off in October
Reserve for Grants    373.23    500.00    +126.77
Sales Tax Payable    0.00    0.00    0.00
total liabilities    3,981.32    3,765.69    -215.63 plus Advance Fees paid

Arisia, Incorporated -- FY93 Financial Report    3
Net Worth    14,969.54    13,585.16    1,384.38
net worth due to con '94    -1,564.11    -3,203.79    -1,639.68
net worth due to con '93    18,362.53    18,049.41     -313.12 further bills outstanding?
net worth due to con '92    -8,144.54    0.00
net worth due to earlier cons and.    3,224.49    -1,828.88          include FY93 and con '92
earlier fiscal year corp operations
net worth due to FY94 corp    0.00    568.42    +568.42

Account    Remaining This Period Fiscal Year    Con to Notes
      Budget     Date

CON 94 Income
A'94 Adv Art Show Fees    2,160.00    0.00    0.00    40.00    liability
A'94 Adv Dealers Fees    1,015.00    0.00    0.00    1625.00    liability
A'94 Adv Membership    23,840.00    30.00    30.00    4910.00    liability
Misc Income 94    4,884.00    0.00    0.00    2126.00
CON 94 total income        0.00    0.00    2126.00
CON 94 total income        30.00    30.00    8701.00
and advance fees
CON 94 Expense
Advertising Expense94    1,060.00    750.00    750.00    940.00
Art Show Expense94    505.47    0.00    0.00    54.53
Bounced Check Exp 94    481.83    0.00    0.00    900    budget includes Charge Card Processing and Foreign Currency
Charge Card Proc Exp 94        0.00    0.00    9.17
Con Com News Exp 94    -440.45    0.00    0.00    440.45    need budget
Depreciation Exp 94    719.33    47.14    47.14    481.67
FlyerExpense94    526.17    0.00    0.00    527.17
Hotel Negotiation Exp 94    -168.00    0.00    0.00    168.00    need budget
Interest Expense 94    -154.42    17.60    17.60    154.42    need budget thru October
Mail Box Expense 94    1.43    0.00    0.00    178.57    taken from Registration Budget
Mailing Expense94    1,875.06    724.94    724.94    724.94
Member Services Exp 94    -8.99    0.00    0.00    8.99    need budget or reclassification

Arisia, Incorporated -- FY93 Financial Report    4
Account    Remaining This Period Fiscal Year    Con to Notes
      Budget     Date
CON 94 Expense (cont)
Party Expense 94    289.49    -20.00    -20.00    210.51
Program Admin Exp 94    156.63    0.00    0.00    198.11
Program Mailing Exp 94    -145.26    0.00    0.00    145.26    need budget or reclassification
Storage Expense 94    360.00    120.00    120.00    1080.00
CON 94 total expense        914.74    914.74    4,605.85
CON 94 net loss        914.74    914.74    2,479.85
CON 94 net gain        -884.74    -884.74    4,095.25    not counting checks
including advance fees                    just received
CON 93 total income    -2,677.44    0.00    0.00    42,095.44    2,677.44 beyond planned

CON 93 Expense
Program GOH Exp 93    880.00    220.00    220.00    220.00    is this the only expenses?
Registration Exp 93    -230.75    -83.65    -83.65    615.12    reverse double charge
Tech Logistics Exp 93    -58.08    50.00    50.00    558.08
CON 93 total expenses    +9,239.28    186.35    186.35    24,998.75
CON 93 net gain        -186.35    -186.35    17,096.69    additional expenses remain?

Arisia, Incorporated -- FY93 Financial Report    5
Account    Remaining This Period Fiscal Year    Year to Notes
      Budget     Year

Corporate Income
Dues Income    352.00    648.00    648.00
Interest Income    87.81    12.19    12.19
Sales Income    2,700.00    0.00    0.00
Sales Shipping Income    0.00    0.00    0.00
Video Tape Sales Income    100.00    0.00    0.00    776.56
Video Tape P&H Income    0.00    0.00    0.00    4.50
total corporate income    3,239.81    660.19    660.19

Corporate Expense
Administrative Expense    316.60    83.40    83.40        Formerly Misc. Exp
BankChargesExpense    141.63    8.37    8.37
Bookkeepping Expense    0.00    0.00    0.00
Meeting Expense    300.00    0.00    0.00        for rental of meeting space
Mentor Expense    500.00    0.00    0.00
Reporting Fees Expense    60.00    0.00    0.00
Sales Inventory Expense    1,400.00    0.00    0.00
Treasury Expense-Corp    60.00    0.00    0.00        check copying, etc.
Video Tape Prod Exp    0.00    0.00    0.00    1,220.00    more copies
total corporate expense    2,478.23    91.77    91.77
net gain - corporate    568.42    568.42
net gain due to sales    0.00    0.00         excluding video tape
net loss due to video tape    0.00    0.00    438.56


Mentor of ARISIA is a monthly publication of:

ARISIA. Incorporated
1 Kendall Square, Suite 322
Cambridge, MA 02139

Subscriptions to Mentor are included in ARISIA corporate membership. Membership runs from September 1 to August 31, and costs $24 per year. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining in months other than September; the rate for members joining in March is $12.

ARISIA, Mentor of ARISIA, and the ARISIA lens are service marks of ARISIA, Incorporated.

[Arisia Lens]ARISIAsm, Incorporated
1 Kendall Square, Suite 322
Cambridge, MA 02139