The Lens


Volume 14, Issue 110 September 2001

Minutes of the September Meeting

Date, Time and Place: This General Meeting of the Membership was called to order at 2:22 PM on Sunday, 16 September 2001 at The Usual Room of MIT Building 66.

In Attendance: Chris Amshey, Angi Bowen, Drea Brandford, George Flynn, Traciy Fogarty, Colette Fozard, Elisa Hertel, Walter Kahn, Allan Kent, Ben Levy, Claudia Mastroianni, Patrick McCormack, Michelle McGuire, Tom Murphy, Brendan Quinn, Noel Rosenberg, Matt Ringel, Paul Selkirk, Nicholas Shectman, Cris Shuldiner, Rachel Silber, and Pat Vandenberg. Deb Geisler and Linda Nee were attending guests.

Joelll Herda to Noel Rosenberg, Rachel Silverman to Drea Brandford, Skip Morris to Colette Fozard.

There were no corrections to the minutes of previous meetings.

It's been a pleasure, and thanks for all the fish. Also, hearty thanks to all who helped with the WorldCon loading work.

The President hands the floor to Deb Geisler, who made the announcement that MCFI has won the bid to host the 62nd World Science Fiction Convention, which will be Noreascon 4.

The promised written version was not delivered by press time, and the speech was very long, with too much information for your burnt-out Clerk to capture by hand. But the gist of it is they're looking for folks to help when the time is right.


The EBoard has set the rates for the A'02 Art Show to be $20 per panel with no commission.

No Report.

MOVED to grant the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media In Transition group $5000 from general funds and cosponsor the event.

After a great deal of discussion, the motion is TABLED.

MOVED to grant $1269 to the Gaylactic Network per the grant proposal published in MENTOR OF ARISIA Volume 13, Issue 109.

After discussion, motion CARRIES.

Not Present / No Report. Additionally, there is no new news on the Audit.

No Report.

The Clerk ran through his usual spiel about signing in; that reports and motions should be submitted in writing or suffer the possibility of transcription errors; that major items of new business be presented to the EBoard for consideration before presentation to the Membership; and that dues for joining the Corporation were $24 at this meeting and $22 thereafter.

Convention Chair '01 (Elka Tovah Menkes)

Via Email: Unfortunately, I can't be very definitive. Con business on the whole is done except for the treasury department, which has turned out to be much more of an ... adventure... than I expected. At present, AFAIK, Skip has the books, and is working on the final reconciliation. He said a couple weeks ago that he'd finish it between MilPhil and the annual meeting but I don't know whether he has or not, I've sent him a couple queries but haven't gotten an answer back.

Sorry I can't give you a final report - but, believe me, I want this tied up much more than you do! As soon as I have more solid data, I'll let you know ...

No Report.

Planning proceeds apace.

There are fliers at the front of the room. If you know of a club, college organization, book store other than Pandemonium, gaming store, comic store, anime store, etc., that does not have fliers, please take some and distribute widely. I will also make an electronic version available.

We have a budget. It has been printed in Mentor.

I therefore _Move_ that the membership approve the budget as printed in Mentor.

MOVED to approve the Arisia '02 Convention Budget as printed in MENTOR.

Discussion ensues.

The Clerk points out to the Membership that the EBoard had effectively changed the published budget by changing the art show rates. After allowing an opportunity to hear objections to this action, the chair rules the budget AMENDED, noting that this decreases the convention bottom line from $1165 to $615.

Motion as amended CARRIES 17-3.

I'm here, if you have expenses, fill out the form completely and correctly, and I'll cut you a check.

No Report.

No Report. The President restates the vacancy of Committee Chair and restates the desire to entertain candidates for this committee.

The Quest for Storage Space proceeds.

Thanks to the generosity of Stonekeep Consulting, the box has been physically moved to Bolton MA, and is on a new DSL Line.

(Brendan Quinn, Chair)

The LRPC has still not met. Unfortunately, there is no annual report at this time.

No Report.

No Report.

We have a proposal from the Sheraton and the Park Plaza. We are waiting to hear from the Marriott.

At the B.N. Productions used equipment tent sale of September 8, 2001 (BN rents theater equipment), with the help of Skip Morris, Ben Levy and Liz Orenstein, I purchased some theater lighting equipment which will allow us to standardize equipment we already own, supply some lighting instruments of a type that we rent annually, and safety cables for the lot. Corporate tech budget for the past fiscal year is $2000. From the receipt:

12 @ 6x12 1000w Altman ellipsoidal spotlights ("Lekos"), $900

12 clamps and color frames for above instruments, free

16 used clamps for Arisia's fresnels, $80

10 used stage lighting bulbs, free

25 stage pin plugs (to convert Arisia's fresnels to standard stage plugs rather than household "Edison" style plugs), $125

5 BTN-type bulbs for fresnels, $120

30 safety cables, $60

Total, $1285.00

Many of these prices were negotiated down. All of the lekos are in working shape and were used for rentals up until the sale. The stage plugs, clamps and BTN lamps will allow us to put all of the fresnels we have in stock into working order, and all of our instruments must have safety cables.

There will be scheduled soon an equipment repair party to prepare our lighting equipment for the convention. There also will be scheduled soon an equipment disposal from the storage unit. I have people willing to volunteer for both.

Take care, all

No Report.

MOVED to limit debate on the pending motions to amend the ByLaws to 10 minutes each.

Motion CARRIES 17-4.

With regards to the motion to amend the ByLaws of ARISIA numbered 1 in MENTOR OF ARISIA Volume 13 Issue 109:

MOVED TO AMEND by replacing the word "verbal" with the word "oral".

Discussion ensues.

MOVED TO AMEND the motion to amend by replacing the word "oral" with the word "vocal".

Discussion ensues.

MOVED to kill the business.


The motion is killed, and it falls to the floor, drawn, quartered and dead.

With regards to the motion to amend the ByLaws of ARISIA numbered 2 in MENTOR OF ARISIA Volume 13 Issue 109:

Motion CARRIES 21-2-0.

There is still no word on the purchase of two volumes of GAAP.


The Membership takes up the matter of the motion to give $5000 to MIT MIT series and cosponsor the event from the table. Discussion continues.

MOVED TO AMEND by authorizing the EBoard to make a decision.

MOVED TO AMEND the motion to amend to note that the approval will be subject to the EBoard determination of sufficient funds in the Corporate General Fund.

Motion to amend the motion to amend CARRIES

Motion to amend as amended ACCEPTED AS FRIENDLY.

MOVED TO AMEND the amount to $2500.

Motion to amend CARRIES.

Motion as amended CARRIES.

Corporate Officer Elections:

Running for the Office of President: Brendan Quinn, Cris Shuldiner, and Tom Murphy. Brendan Quinn returns as El Supremo in a vote of 13-10-1.

Running for the Office of Vice-President: Traciy Fogarty, Colette Fozard, and Tom Murphy. Colette Fozard elected VP in a vote of 13-10-1.

Running for the Office of Treasurer is Nicholas Shectman. The Membership directs the Clerk to cast one vote for Nicholas Shectman to elect him by acclimation to the office of Treasurer. The clerk tries to demure, saying that he intended to register his vote for Treasurer as an abstention, but performs as directed, making Nicholas Shectman the Treasurer of ARISIA, Incorporated by acclimation.

Running for the office of Clerk: Claudia Mastroianni and Paul Selkirk. Paul Selkirk is elected to the office of Clerk in a vote of 14-10-0.

Next ConCom Meeting is Sunday 23 September 2001 at 4:00 PM in MIT Building 66. We'll be assembling the Mass Mailer; come one and all.

President puts out a call for volunteers to staff the committees.

Meeting Adjourned at 4:43 PM.


Some Stray Notes

The Arisia '02 Budget, as amended, is printed later in MENTOR.

The Clerk notes when editing MENTOR that no meeting dates were set for subsequent Corporate Meetings; therefore, they default to the third Sunday of each month. The first month that a meeting can be other than the third Sunday is December due to requirements set by the ByLaws. Therefore, the next meetings of ARISIA, Incorporated will be Sunday, 21 October 2001 at 2:00 PM at MIT Building 66 and Sunday, 18 November 2001 at 2:00 PM at MIT Building 66.

The Membership Roster as listed later in MENTOR reflects memberships known to have been received at press time (which is all that joined by the Corporate Meeting EXCLUDING memberships that were mailed in). This list will undoubtedly change by the October issue of MENTOR.

It's been fun, folks -- Later -- Merv


Membership/Subscription Information

Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA is included with Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.

September $24   March $12
October $22   April $10
November $20   May $08
December $18   June $06
January $16   July $04
February $14   August $02



Executive Board

Brendan Quinn
309 Lake Street
Waltham MA 02451
Arisia 2002 ConChair
Noel Rosenberg
PO Box 464
Chelmsford MA 01824-0464
Vice President
Colette Fozard
360 Walker Street
Lowell MA 01851-1729
Arisia 2002 Treasurer
Chris Amshey
42 Boston Avenue
Somerville MA 02144
Nicholas Shectman
75 Lexington Avenue
Somerville MA 02144
Arisia 2003 ConChair
Skip Morris
PO Box 542
Merrymack, NH 03054-0542
Paul Selkirk
112A Marblehead St
N Reading MA 01864-1526
Arisia 2003 ConTreasurer


Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers

Grant Committee
Colette Fozard (chair)
Cris Shuldiner
Walter Kahn
Krista Ernewein
Hotel Search Committee
Cris Shuldiner (chair)
Skip Morris
Buzz Harris
Brendan Quinn
Budget Committee
Nicholas Shectman (chair)
Woody Bernardi
Derek Lichter
Elka Tovah Menkes
Noel Rosenberg
Long Range Planning Committee
Brendan Quinn
Cris Shuldiner
Walter Kahn
Sheeri Kritzer
Noel Rosenberg
Corporate Inventory Control
Carsten Turner
Corporate Sales Officer
Nicholas Shectman
Corporate Systems Administrator
Cris Shuldiner
Survey Committee
Ben Levy
Gaming Convention Exploratory Committee
Technical Equipment Committee
Joelll Herda (chair)
DataBase Exploratory Committee
Rachel Silber, Chair
Traciy Fogarty
Michelle McGuire
Tom Murphy
Paul Selkirk
Cris Shuldiner
Official Mermaid
The Manatee



Storage Facility Key Holders

Brendan Quinn
Colette Fozard (expected)
Nicholas Shectman
Paul Selkirk
Elka Tovah Menkes
Noel Rosenberg
Skip Morris
Carsten Turner
Linda Nee
Cris Shuldiner
Bryt Bradley


Membership Roster

Chris Amshey Patrick McCormack
Rob Bazemore Michelle McGuire
Drea Brandford Skip Morris
Brian Cooper Tom "Merv" Murphy
Tom Fish Brendan Quinn
George Flynn Matthew F. Ringel
Traciy Fogarty Mary Robison
Colette Fozard Noel Rosenberg
Joel Herda Matthew Saroff
Brendan Hertel Paul Selkirk
Lisa Hertel Nicholas Shectman
Walter Kahn Cris Shuldiner
Allan Kent Rachel Silber
Sheeri Kritzer Rachel Silverman
Ben Levy Pat Vandenberg
Claudia Mastroianni  



Calendar of Events

Friday through Sunday, 05-07 Oct 2001
Albacon 01
Schenectady NY

Tuesday, 16 October 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

Sunday, 21 October 2001, 2:00 PM
Meeting of the General Membership of ARISIA Incorporated.
MIT Building 66 in Cambridge, MA. Stick around afterwards for . . . .

Sunday, 21 October 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA

Thursday through Sunday, 01-04 Nov 2001
World Fantasy Convention
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Sunday, 18 November 2001, 2:00 PM
Meeting of the General Membership of ARISIA Incorporated.
MIT Building 66 in Cambridge MA. Stick around afterwards for . . . .

Sunday, 18 November 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA

Tuesday, 20 November 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

Sunday, 16 December 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA

Tuesday, 18 December 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

Friday - Sunday, 28-30 December 2001
Sheraton, Reston VA

Sunday, 06 January 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA

Tuesday, 08 January 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

Friday through Sunday, 18-20 January 2001
Arisia '02
The Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Tower and Castle
Boston, MA

Friday through Sunday, 25-27 January 2001
Sever Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge MA

Arisia '02 Budget

As Amended and Approved by the Membership

(Editor's Note: for the sake of formatting, I have added some additional total lines, and made certain other generic formatting changes for printing the Budget in MENTOR. If there are any problems or difficulties with this exercise of and Editor's Prerogative, please address me directly - Merv)


Cash Income

Total Cash Income

$ 65,180.00
Non-Cash Income

Total NonCash Income

$ 1,500.00
Total Income

$ 66,680.00

Cash Expenses

$ (2,400.00)

$ (1,700.00)

$ (3,600.00)

$ (8,880.00)

$ (10,110.00)

$ (17,250.00)

$ (4,125.00)

$ (3,550.00)

Member Services
$ (7,950.00)

Total Cash Expenses

$ (59,565.00)
Non-Cash Expenses

Non-Cash: Hotel Rooms/Suites
$ -

Non-Cash: Corporate Acct Transfers
$ (6,500.00)

Total Non-Cash Expenses

$ (6,500.00)
Total Expenses

$ (66,065.00)

Convention Bottom Line

$ 1,165.00




Hotel: Room Night Credits $ 2,300.00

Hotel Total
$ 2,300.00


Art Show: Commissions $ 0.00

Art Show: Mail-In Fees $ 350.00

Art Show: Space Fees $ 2,100.00

Art Show: Print Shop Fees $ 200.00

Dealers: Dealer Room Fees $ 1,750.00

Dealers: Dealer Row Fees $ 2,900.00

Events Total
$ 7,300.00


Advertising Income $ 500.00

Marketing Total
$ 500.00


Babysitting Fees $ 350.00

Pre-Registration - $25.00 $ 5,250.00

Pre-Registration - $30.00 $ 16,050.00

Pre-Registration - $40.00 $ 2,320.00

Pre-Registration - Other $ -

Pre-Registration - Babysitting $ 140.00

At Convention - $5.00 $ -

At Convention - $15.00 $ 420.00

At Convention - $20.00 $ 480.00

At Convention - $25.00 $ 9,575.00

At Convention - $35.00 $ 3,325.00

At Convention - $40.00 $ 16,560.00

AtCon Babysitting $ 210.00

Member Services Total
$ 54,680.00


Sunday Sundae Tickets $ 400.00

Other Income Total
$ 400.00

Total Cash Income

$ 65,180.00


Non Cash Income: Pre-Registration (Earned Comps from Arisia '01) $ 1,500.00

Total NonCash Income

$ 1,500.00


$ 66,680.00




ConChair Admin $ (200.00)

Staff Morale $ (200.00)

ConComm News $ -

Contingency Fund $ (2,000.00)

Total Administration Expenses
$ (2,400.00)


Administration $ (100.00)

Bank Fees $ (100.00)

CC Feeds $ (1,000.00)

Errors $ -

Insurance: Property $ -

Insurance: Liability $ (500.00)

Total Treasury Expenses
$ (1,700.00)



GoH: Admin $ (200.00)

GoH: Food $ (700.00)

GoH: Travel: WGoH $ (1,500.00)

GoH: Travel: AGoH $ (500.00)

GoH: Travel: FGoH $ (700.00)

GoH: Art Shipping & Insurance $ -

Total Guest Expenses
$ (3,600.00)


Administration $ (100.00)

Errors $ -

Goodwill $ -

Banquets: LARP Dance $ (300.00)

Banquets: Sunday Sundae $ (500.00)

Banquets: Artist Reception/Meet the Pros $ (2,500.00)

Banquets: Filking $ (350.00)

Banquets: Period Dance $ (600.00)

Banquets: Masquerade Green Room $ (400.00)

Banquets: Gopher Hole $ (300.00)

Banquets: Koffeeklatches $ (400.00)

Banquets: Gaming $ (150.00)

Banquets: Fast Track $ -

Banquets: Ice $ (200.00)

Banquets: GoH $ (600.00)

Cots (Sleepers) $ (80.00)

Corkage $ (500.00)

Electricity $ (500.00)

Tips $ (1,000.00)

Furniture Rental $ -

Engineering: Video $ (250.00)

Engineering: Telephones $ (50.00)

Telecom: Telephone Service $ (100.00)

Total Hotel Expenses
$ (8,880.00)


Administration $ (100.00)

Robot Wars $ (500.00)

WGOH Event $ (100.00)

AGOH Slide Show $ (100.00)

FGOH Event $ (500.00)

Big Event 1 $ (500.00)

Big Event 2 $ (500.00)

Small Event 1 $ (100.00)

Small Event 2 $ (100.00)

Small Event 3 $ (100.00)

Small Event 4 $ (100.00)

Arisia TV: Misc $ (100.00)

Arisia TV: Tape Stock $ (150.00)

Art Show: Admin $ (100.00)

Art Show: Forms $ (300.00)

Art Show: Logistics/parking $ -

Art Show: Mailings $ (450.00)

Art Show: Shipping $ (160.00)

Dealer's Room: Admin $ (200.00)

Filking: Admin $ -

Masquerade: Admin $ (100.00)

Masquerade: Photocopying $ (200.00)

Period Dance $ (50.00)

Dance: DJ Equipment $ (100.00)

ASCAP/BMI Fees $ (200.00)

Con Photographer: Photography $ -

Student Writing Contest: Admin/Mailings $ (250.00)

Student Art Contest: Admin/Mailings $ (250.00)

Internet Room $ (400.00)

Technical: Admin $ (100.00)

Technical: Clearcom $ (250.00)

Technical: Lighting $ (600.00)

Technical: Sound $ (300.00)

Films: Film Rental $ (2,000.00)

Films: Equipment Rental $ (200.00)

Anime Theatre $ (300.00)

Kids Anime $ -

Video Theatre: Equipment $ (300.00)

Video Theatre: Licensing $ (350.00)

Total Event Expenses
$ (10,110.00)


Marketing: Ad Sales Solicitation $ (200.00)

Marketing: Admin $ (300.00)

Marketing: Advertising $ (1,200.00)

Marketing: Press Kits $ (50.00)

Marketing: Parties $ (2,000.00)

Marketing: Flyers $ (250.00)

Publications: Admin $ (150.00)

Publications: AtCon Newsletter $ (550.00)

Publications: Mass Mailer: Repro $ (2,500.00)

Publications: Mass Mailer: Postage $ (1,500.00)

Publications: Pocket Program $ (2,500.00)

Publications: Large Print Pocket Program $ (100.00)

Publications: PreReg Packet: Repro $ (300.00)

Publications: PreReg Packet: Postage $ (400.00)

Publications: Program Book $ (5,000.00)

Publications: Program Updates $ -

Publications: Restaurant Guide $ (200.00)

Publications: Large Print Restaurant Guide $ (50.00)

Total Marketing & Publications Expenses
$ (17,250.00)


Admin $ (100.00)

Communications $ (500.00)

Bell Atlantic: Telephone $ (400.00)

Gopher Hole: Admin $ (50.00)

Gopher Hole: Ribbons $ (350.00)

Gopher Hole: T-Shirts $ (1,400.00)

Logistics $ (1,000.00)

Ops Desk $ (100.00)

Security: Forms/First Aid/Supplies $ (125.00)

Security: Paid Security Details $ -

Information Shop $ (50.00)

Sign Shop $ (50.00)

Total Operations Expenses
$ (4,125.00)


Admin $ (150.00)

'Thank You' Notes $ (150.00)

Phonecalls / Photocopying $ (200.00)

Gaming: Admin $ (100.00)

Fast Track $ (450.00)

Program Guest Liaison $ -

Program Packets $ (300.00)

Mailer: Repro $ (800.00)

Mailer: Postage $ (800.00)

Infinite Improbability Drive $ (200.00)

Program Ops $ (250.00)

Program AV $ (150.00)

Total Programming Expenses
$ (3,550.00)


Admin $ (100.00)

Babysitting: Admin $ (25.00)

Babysitting: Pagers $ (100.00)

Babysitting: Payroll $ (75.00)

Babysitting: Legal Expenses $ (500.00)

Babysitting: Supplies $ (50.00)

Babysitting: Salaries $ (600.00)

Babysitting: Food $ (100.00)

Babysitting: Taxes $ (50.00)

Fanzine Lounge: Food $ (350.00)

Fanzine Lounge: Fanzine $ (200.00)

Massage Den $ -

Consuite: Food $ (2,500.00)

Party Czar: Party Seeding Stock $ (200.00)

Green Room: Food $ (800.00)

Registration: Ack Postcards $ (150.00)

Registration: Admin $ (50.00)

Registration: Badge Holders $ (600.00)

Registration: Badge Stock $ (200.00)

Registration: Forms $ (200.00)

Registration: Work Sessions $ (100.00)

Staff Den: Food $ (1,000.00)

Total Member Services Expenses
$ (7,950.00)

Total Cash Expenses

$ (59,565.00)



NonCash Expenses
(Hotel Rooms/Suites)

Hotel: Suites: ConSuite (3Rx4N) $ (1,404.00)

Hotel: Suites: Green Room (2Rx2N) $ (468.00)

Hotel: Suites: StaffDen (2Rx2N) $ (468.00)

Hotel: Suites: Babysitting (2Rx3N) $ (702.00)

Hotel: Rooms: Logistics: Storage (1Rx4N) $ (468.00)

Hotel: Rooms: Fanzine Lounge (1Rx2N) $ (234.00)

Hotel: Rooms: Treasury: 1Rx2N $ (234.00)

Hotel: Rooms: WGoH (4N) $ (468.00)

Hotel: Rooms: AGoH (4N) $ (468.00)

Hotel: Rooms: FGoH (4N) $ (468.00)

Hotel: Suites: Unused Comps (2Rx5N,3Rx0N) $ (1,170.00)

Hotel: Rooms: Unused Comps (2N) $ (234.00)

(Less Contract Comps) $ 6,552.00

(Less Room Credits Used for Comps) $ 234.00

Total NonCash Expenses
(Hotel Rooms/Suites)
$ -

NonCash Expenses
(Gift Comp Memberships)

Programming Gift Comps $ -

Staff Gift Comps $ -

Total NonCash Expenses
(Corporate Account Transfers)
$ -

NonCash Expenses
(Corporate Account Transfers)

Gopher Hole: Earned Comps to Arisia '03 $ (1,500.00)

Storage $ (3,500.00)

Art Show Equipment $ (500.00)

Communications Equipment $ (250.00)

Tech and Film Equipment $ (750.00)

Total NonCash Expenses
(Corporate Account Transfers)
$ (6,500.00)

Total Non-Cash Expenses

$ (6,500.00)


$ (66,065.00)


$ 615.00


ARISIA, Incorporated
#322, Building 600
1 Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139