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MentorVolume 13, Issue 108 July 2001 |
Minutes of the EBoard Meeting
03 July 2001
The EBoard met at 8:00 at the ARENA Annex on Tufts Campus.
The EBoard briefly touched upon the ideas behind controls on spending.
Storage: We need it. There are two schools of thought: 1) big floorspace means lots of mess and disorganization, we can get small and cheap in outlying areas and this is storage, not an office; and 2) we need space to lay out projects, because of this, we need to stay local to the plurality of volunteers, and it is handy to have a central place to store things like mail. The EBoard notes that smaller space may be good; and there is a possibility that as some sublettors leave the current building, that this may be a kick in the butt to the landlords to come to an acceptable arrangement with us. No definitive decision was reached at this meeting.
Regarding pending motions to amend the bylaws of ARISIA, Incorporated:
Motion numbered 4, no comment or recommendation.
Motion numbered 5, The EBoard is split, and has no recommendation. Skip will consult the Lawyer regarding a legal minimum age for membership.
Motion numbered 6, The EBoard has no recommendation.
Motion numbered 7, the EBoard remands the motion to its maker for rewording.
Motion numbered 8, the EBoard reports positively.
Motion numbered 9, the EBoard has no recommendation.
We still need to schedule ConChair Candidate interviews.
Minutes of the July Meeting
Date, Time and Place: This General Meeting of the Membership was called to order at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, 31 July 2001 at the cafeteria of the Tufts Administration Building.
In Attendance: Chris Amshey, Drea Brandford, Traciy Fogarty, Colette Fozard, Joel Herda, Walter Kahn, Sheeri Kritzer, Claudia Mastroianni, Craig McDonough, Tom Murphy, Brendan Quinn, Noel Rosenberg, Paul Selkirk, Nicholas Shectman and Carsten Turner. While his name is not signed upon the sign-in sheet, the Clerk recalls Cris Shuldiner being present.
Rachel Silber to Traciy Fogarty; Paul Selkirk to Cris Shuldiner (at 8:06 PM); Sheeri Kritzer to Noel Rosenberg (for times she was out of the room attending to other matters, sporadically beginning at 8:45 PM).
No corrections to the Minutes of Previous Meetings were made.
Upon petition of a member of ARISIA, Incorporated, I have been requested to verify the signatures on the first three proposed amendments to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated. We will now consult with the membership at large and the Clerk and figure out whose signatures are on the forms. Five of six signatures on each of the first two Motions to amend the ByLaws are legible, and therefore do not need further clarification. The following signatures are on the submitted text of the third motion to amend the ByLaws: Cris Shuldiner, Rachel Silber, Sheeri Kritzer, Michelle McGuire, Lisa Hertel.
The EBoard met and talked a lot about stuff reported elsewhere.
No Report.
The Grant Committee received two grant requests in the last 48 hours. First, the Gaylaxians have submitted a request for a grant to host a hospitality suite at WorldCon; we will send notice of our recommendation separate from MENTOR. Second, the MIT Media-In-Transition series wants to sponsor an event in October. There are complications with this request that the Grant Committee will have to explore.
No Report.
No Report.
The Clerk ran through his usual spiel about signing in; that reports and motions should be submitted in writing or suffer the possibility of transcription errors; that major items of new business be presented to the EBoard for consideration before presentation to the Membership; and that dues for joining the Corporation were $4 at this meeting and $2 thereafter.
No Report.
No Report.
We're moving right along.
No Report.
No Report.
We have inventory and we're looking for a place to continually store it.
Electrons go in and electrons go out.
(Brendan Quinn, Chair)
The LRPC has not met.
No Report.
No Report.
There are hotels in Boston. We found all of them, and now we know where they are.
No Report.
Traciy says we're still exploring and we will meet next week.
Time to deal with the pending ByLaws Amendments:
All numerical notations are references to the Motions to Amend the Bylaws of ARISIA, Incorporated as published in the May/June 2001 issue of MENTOR OF ARISIA.
With Regard to the Motion To Amend the Bylaws numbered 1: The motion CARRIES in a vote 13-0-0.
With Regard to the Motion To Amend the Bylaws numbered 2: Discussion followed.
After discussion the motion was amended to read as follows: "To amend Article III section 3.2 (c) by addition with the following: Oversight of the Convention Treasurer shall only extend to insuring that applicable federal, state, and local laws, these ByLaws, General Accepted Accounting Practices™, and Corporate Financial Policy are adhered to and shall in no other ways override the authority of the convention chairperson. The Corporate Treasurer shall have the right to demand copies of complete financial records from the Convention Treasurer at any time. The Convention Treasurer shall produce the records within a time interval set by the EBoard." AND "to amend by addition Article VI, section 6.6 (a) with the following: The convention treasurer shall be directly under the authority of the convention chairperson, except where specified otherwise in these bylaws."
An Objection to Consideration was raised, as we have not had a definitive answer from the Lawyer regarding this proposed Amendment to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated.
This Objection to Consideration FAILED.
A motion to table this business pending the answer of the lawyer; this motion was ruled out of order.
The chair ruled that if the motion to amend the ByLaws passes at this meeting, it will be on a provisional basis, pending the satisfactory report from the lawyer.
This amended motion to amend the ByLaws of ARISIA Incorporated CARRIES with a vote of 13-1-1 with the stipulated provisions.
The third proposed amendment to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated, regarding the appointment of interested members to committees, resoundingly FAILED in a 0-15-0 vote.
The proposed amendment to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated numbered four, regarding what members may hold proxies, FAILED in a 3-10-1 vote.
Regarding the fifth proposed amendment to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated, regarding the prerequisites for General Membership in ARISIA, Incorporated, discussion ensued.
The Chair noted that if the Membership votes to amend the ByLaws according to this or amended wording, it shall be provisional based upon the report of the Lawyer.
It was noted for the record that Merv was pedantic and annoying.
MOVED TO AMEND by adding the statement "Minimum age as set in these ByLaws shall not affect any general member at the time of the adoption of this amendment."
Motion FAILS.
MOVED TO AMEND by adding the word "natural" between the words "Corporation is such a" and "person that has a)...".
Motion as amended FAILS to get 2/3rds vote, 8-6-1.
The sixth proposed amendment, regarding allowing the EBoard to use means other than conference telephone calls to hold meetings other than in person, FAILED 7-7-1.
The seventh proposed amendment to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated was TABLED pending a minor language correction.
It was here MOVED TO ADJOURN the meeting. Motion FAILS, 6-9-0.
Merv was officially chastised for not publishing "whereas" clauses in the motions to amend the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated, to which he was responsible for authoring; as valuable time was taken up at the meeting explaining the grounds for the proposed amendments that could have been explained earlier, in writing.
Regarding the eighth proposed amendment to the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated regarding increasing the amount of money that may be spend by the Executive Board may spend on unbudgeted purchases, discussion ensued.
MOVED TO AMEND by changing the amount of the increase from "$500" to "$1000."
Motion CARRIES as amended, 13-1-1.
The motion to amend the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated, numbered 9, regarding the ground rules for ARISIA, Incorporated to sponsor conventions other than the named Arisia convention, FAILED 2-12-1.
MOVED to grant the EBoard the authority to change the Art Show Rates for the Arisia '02 Convention.
NOTED that this will not change Corporate Convention Policy, but will supercede it for Arisia '02.
MOVED to allocate money for and the purchase of two copies of the General Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP)™ for the Corporate and Convention Treasurers.
NOTED that the volumes will likely cost around $200.00 each.
A new Motion to Amend the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated was submitted. It is printed later in MENTOR, and will be voted upon by the Membership at the August Meeting, provided the EBoard has the time to discuss it.
Sheeri announced that she turned her keys to Storage over to Bryttan Bradley.
Noel announces a non-mandatory theme for Arisia '02: "So Long, and Thanks For All The Fish -- a tribute to Douglas Adams."
Sheeri and Noel announce a Staff Party to be held at Generic House Sunday, 26 August 2001. Further details later.
Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 or thereabouts.
Some Stray Notes
A rewording of the Motion to Amend the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated appears later in MENTOR, and will be voted upon at the August Meeting.
Executive Board
President Brendan Quinn 309 Lake Street Waltham MA 02451 President@arisia.org |
ARISIA 2001 ConChair Elka Tovah Menkes 32 Park Street #1 Brookline MA 02446 etm@world.std.com |
Vice President Nicholas Shectman 75 Lexington Avenue Somerville MA 02144 vp@arisia.org |
ARISIA 2001 Treasurer Woody Bernardi 164 Prince Street Boston MA 02113-1034 |
Treasurer Skip Morris PO Box 542 Merrymack, NH 03054-0542 morris@mv.mv.com |
ARISIA 2002 ConChair Noel Rosenberg PO Box 464 Chelmsford MA 01824-0464 conchair@arisia.org |
Clerk Tom "Merv" Murphy Apt B 26 Lowden Avenue Somerville MA 02144 marvmerv@rcn.com |
ARISIA 2002 Treasurer Chris Amshey 42 Boston Avenue Somerville MA 02144 con-treasurer@arisia.org |
Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers
Grant Committee Nicholas Shectman (chair) Cris Shuldiner Walter Kahn Krista Ernewein |
Budget Committee Skip Morris (chair) |
Long Range Planning Committee Brendan Quinn Cris Shuldiner |
Gaming Convention Exploratory Committee (vacant) |
Corporate Inventory Control Carsten Turner |
Corporate Sales Officer Nicholas Shectman |
Corporate Systems Administrator Cris Shuldiner |
Survey Committee Ben Levy |
Hotel Search Committee Cris Shuldiner (chair) Skip Morris Buzz Harris Brendan Quinn |
Technical Equipment Committee Joelll Herda (chair) |
Official Mermaid The Manatee |
Storage Facility Key Holders
Brendan Quinn |
Nicholas Shectman |
Skip Morris |
Tom Murphy |
Elka Tovah Menkes |
Noel Rosenberg |
Carsten Turner |
Linda Nee |
'Zanne Labonville |
Bryt Bradley |
Membership/Subscription Information
Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA is included with Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.
September | $24 | March | $12 | |
October | $22 | April | $10 | |
November | $20 | May | $08 | |
December | $18 | June | $06 | |
January | $16 | July | $04 | |
February | $14 | August | $02 |
Membership Roster
Aaron Agassi | Derek Lichter |
Chris Amshey | Claudia Mastroianni |
Rob Bazemore | Patrick McCormack |
Drea Brandford | Craig McDonough |
Brian Cooper | Michelle McGuire |
Tom Coveney | Elka Tovah Menkes |
Adam Ek | Skip Morris |
Ailsa Ek | Tom "Merv" Murphy |
Marshall Ellis | Brendan Quinn |
Tom Fish | Matthew F. Ringel |
George Flynn | Mary Robison |
Traciy Fogarty | Noel Rosenberg |
Colette Fozard | Matthew Saroff |
Glen R. Goodwin | Paul Selkirk |
Joel Herda | Jude Shabry |
Brendan Hertel | Nicholas Shectman |
Lisa Hertel | Cris Shuldiner |
Walter Kahn | Rachel Silber |
Allan Kent | Rachel Silverman |
Sheeri Kritzer | Carsten Turner |
'Zanne Labonville | Pat Vandenberg |
Ben Levy |
Calendar of Events
Sunday, 19 August 2001, 2:00 PM
Meeting of the General Membership of ARISIA Incorporated.
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA.
Tuesday, 21 August 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, directions later in MENTOR.
Thursday through Monday, 30 Aug - 03 Sept 2001
2001 WorldCon at The Millennium Philcon
Philadelphia PA
Sunday, 16 September 2001, 2:00 PM
The Annual Meeting of the Membership of ARISIA, Incorporated.
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA. This is the Annual Meeting of the Corporation.
Tuesday, 18 September 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, directions later in MENTOR.
Sunday, 23 September 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA.
Friday through Sunday, 28-30 Sept 2001
Beltsville MD
Friday through Sunday, 05-07 Oct 2001
Albacon 01
Schenectady NY
Tuesday, 16 October 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, directions later in MENTOR.
Sunday, 21 October 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA
Thursday through Sunday, 01-04 Nov 2001
World Fantasy Convention
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sunday, 18 November 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA
Tuesday, 20 November 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, directions later in MENTOR.
Sunday, 16 December 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA
Tuesday, 18 December 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, directions later in MENTOR.
Friday - Sunday, 28-30 December 2001
Sheraton, Reston VA
Sunday, 06 January 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA
Tuesday, 08 January 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, directions later in MENTOR.
Friday through Sunday, 18-20 January 2001
Arisia '02
The Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Tower and Castle
Boston, MA
Friday through Sunday, 25-27 January 2001
Sever Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge MA
Proposed ByLaws Amendments
1) The Motion to Amend The ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated, formerly numbered 7, will be revisited at the August Meeting. The following Motion to Amend the Motion to Amend the ByLaws of ARISIA, Incorporated will be presented: MOVED to amend by substitution the text of the motion, currently reading "MOVED to amend Article 11, section 2 by adding subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) Verbal notice may be delivered in person, by telephone, or telephone messaging device; and shall be considered given when communicated." with the following text: "Where a copy of specific business is not required to be given, notice may be delivered verbally, and shall be considered given when communicated."
2) The following motion was submitted at the last General Meeting of the Membership, and will appear as business at the August Meeting of the Membership. WHEREAS: The purchasing power of officers has, by way of inflation and other factors beyond the control of ARISIA gone down in recent y ears; and WHEREAS the Executive Board's spending limit has been addressed at a prior meeting; MOVED to amend by replacement Article 9 Section 2 by replacing the amount "$100.00" with the amount "$200.00." Signed, Noel Rosenberg, Cris Shuldiner, Carsten Turner, Claudia Mastroianni, and Joel Herda.
A Grant Proposal
Gaylactic Network Presence at Millennium Philcon Worldcon 2001
The Gaylactic Network plans to host a gay fandom suite for 3 days during Worldcon. This will provide a safe, fun atmosphere for gay fans to meet other gay fans, learn about the Network's affiliates and the Spectrum Awards and to provide the Network leadership with feedback on what gay fandom would like to see from the Network.
Since the Network will not be sponsoring a Gaylaxicon this year (the only GLBT sci-fi/fantasy/horror convention for and by fans), we are hosting the Spectrum Award ceremony during Worldcon in Philadelphia. To allow time for fans to mingle with Spectrum Award winners, the Network will host a reception after the Spectrum Awards ceremony to honor this year's and past winners and nominees. Worldcon will be THE event for Gay fandom this year, as the Network is not hosting a Gaylaxicon in 2001.
The Network's representatives have also offered advice to the Worldcon 2001 Programming Committee on GLBT programming. Our representatives have suggested panels and provided names of professionals that would serve as quality panelists. The Gay Fandom suite serves as a "green room" for gay authors and artists. It also allows them to talk with gay fans, receive feedback on their work, and sign autographs, and it allows gay fandom to show appreciation for their work.
Winter 2001 - Worldcon Liaison and Spectrum Award administrator join Worldcon Programming committee to encourage GLBT programming and to provide location and time for Spectrum Awards
April - Request Suite
June - Reserve full-page ad in program book
Confirmation of Suite from Marriott
Advertise the Worldcon Gay Fandom suite on various Network email lists
Remainder of summer - prepare flyers about clubs for suite
Update Gaylactic Network Tri-Folds
Prepare debut of a Gaylactic Network PDF newsletter
Prepare themes for each night of suite
Prepare menus for each night
Prepare for reception - food and flyers
Prepare program of interest for GLBT attendees
Invite gay press to Spectrum Award reception
Aug 31 - Sept 2 Gay Fandom Suite during Worldcon!!
Applicant name: The Gaylactic Network (http://www.gaylactic-network.org)
Applicant name also known as: The Gaylaxians
Address: PO Box 127, Brookline, MA 02146
Chairperson & Executive Director: Carl Cipra, Speaker
Project contact: Jed Shumsky, Treasurer & Worldcon Liaison
Daytime telephone: (215) 951-6562 email: shumsky@drexel.edu
Fax: N/A
Summarize the mission of your organization:
Last fiscal year total income: $80 from Affiliate dues
Last fiscal year total expenses: $54 for PO Box and $1000 loan to Gaylaxicon 2000, which operated at a loss.
Project Information
Carl Cipra, Speaker of the Gaylactic Network
July 26, 2001
admissions - NONE
non-government - Club Dues, private contributions
Affiliate donations: $60 for Program Book Ad; Spectrum Award funds will provide food served for the Spectrum Award Reception: $100; applicant cash - $500 from Gaylactic Network; In the absence of this grant, the remainder of costs will be made up by private donations.
Subtotal: $660
Total project income - None. We would like to break even in terms of our donated income and project expenses. However the project may very well inspire people to become members of the Gaylactic Network, which would result in membership revenues and support for upcoming projects, such as a future Gaylaxicon.
space rental:
program-related rental of 2-bay hospitality suite for 3 nights; $318.75 * 3=$956.25 * 14% hotel tax = $133.88 = $1090.13
promotion/advertising (excluding fundraising) -
Advertisement in Worldcon Program Book - $175
Promotional Flyers 100 @ $0.05 = $5
remaining expenses
program consumables -
food for 3 nights @ $167 per night = $500
food for Spectrum Awards Reception = $100
program equipment rental - None
program related printing/duplicating:
Gaylactic Network 4-folds (folded brochure, double-sided, on color paper ) - 400 @ $0.11 = $44
Program of GLBT Interest - 300 @ $0.05 = $15
Total project expenses: $1929
Grant amount requested: $1269 for the remainder of the project expenses.
Directions to the Tufts Arena Annex
also known as "the little red shack"
Parking can be a problem - there is some public parking on Talbot, Latin Way and more on Professors' Row (parallel to Talbot even closer to Medford) at the tennis courts. That has always worked for me in a pinch. There is also a parking garage - up at/over the top of the hill, but I have never used it so can't give much info.
From points west:
Take Route 90 East to Route 95/128 North. Take the exit for Route 2 EAST and go for 6.5 miles. Bear left at sign reading "US-3 N / RT-16 E to Medford" and go for 500 feet. Follow the signs for Alewife Brook Pky,RT-16 and go for 0.8 miles. Turn right on Broadway, through Teele Square and to the Powderhouse Rotary. Enter the Rotary, and go around, taking the 4th right onto College Avenue. Follow directions below.
From points north:
Take I-93 South to exit 31, Route 16 East, towards Revere. Route 16 will intersect with Harvard St. Make a right onto Harvard St. Harvard Street will turn into Warner Street, which goes into Powderhouse Rotary. Take the 1st exit off the rotary to College Ave. Follow directions below.
From points south:
Take I-95 north to I-93 North. Continue on I-93 for 20 miles. Take exit 29 RT-28 to Somerville / Everett and RT-38, go Northwest for 0.2 miles. Continue on Mystic Ave,RT-38 and go for 1.2 miles. Turn left on Harvard St and go for 0.6 miles. Harvard Street turns into Warner St for 0.2 miles. Turn right on Powderhouse Square and take the first right onto College Avenue, towards Medford. Follow directions below.
From Davis Square and Powderhouse Rotary, walking, biking, or driving:
Go up College Ave. At Powderhouse Rotary, stay on College Ave (it's the 3rd exit off the rotary, and the soccer field should be on your left). Take a left onto Talbot Ave. At the end of the street, to the right, is the Campus Center, a brick building. On your left, directly across from that, is the Chemistry building. The Annex is the little red shack behind the Chemistry building. Note: There is a little red shack right next to the Chemistry building. This has signs on it that say "Do Not Enter". This is not the Arena Annex.
ARISIA, Incorporated
#322, Building 600
1 Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139