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Mentor of ARISIAVolume 12, Issue 99; July 2000 |
Notice of Clarification
For those of you who were unable to locate the fine print or notice the impossibility of the date given, there was no emergency meeting of the Corporation, and there is no pending motion to dissolve the Corporation. This work of fiction was an attempt on my part to spark a rallied interest in attending corporate meetings, which may or may not have worked. For those of you who thought it was in bad taste, was a poor choice to include in a legal document, or who wanted our arisia.org domain name, I must say "Sorry." This does not, however, mean I won't ever do it again. -- Tom Murphy, Corporate Clerk
Minutes of the July Meeting
The Clerk remembers Cris Shuldiner being present at the meeting, and his name is printed upon the sign-in sheet, but there is no corresponding signature to corroborate his presence.
Dealing with the Art Show Motion . . . .
(Ed. Note.: The following is the discussion and voting on the motion coming out of the Treasurer's Report.)
Original motion reads as follows (from the June issue of MENTOR OF ARISIA):
Moved: To Modify Arisia Convention Policy to add the below. The Arisia Clerk is directed to modify numbering to add the below in the appropriate place in the policies.
Point one of the motion CARRIES AS PRINTED.
Point two of the motion was subject to discussion.
MOVED TO REPLACE -- "that Art Show fees be set by Convention Art Show Director & the Corporate Treasurer."
Motion to Amend FAILS.
MOVED TO AMEND -- "That the rates be a flat fee for display space, with a discount for artists who have not shown art at ARISIA for the last ___ years," where the blank is to be filled in by Policy.
Motion to Amend FAILS.
MOVED TO AMEND by replacing the text of the motion with "to return the Art Show Fees to what they were for the ARISIA '97 Convention." After discussion, the wording of the motion was hammered out to read:
MOVED to set the rates for the ARISIA '01 Art Show to be whatever they were for the ARISIA '97 Art Show.
Motion to Amend CARRIES (this amendment effectively replaces paragraphs 2-5 of the motion as printed).
Point six was subject to discussion.
MOVED TO AMEND to set as policy a mail-in fee of $15.00 for ARISIA '01's Art Show, and we will pay return postage.
MOVED TO AMEND by putting UPS Ground Rate as Return Postage. This amendment motion morphs into:
MOVED TO AMEND by replacing the text of the motion with "To set as policy, the Art Show shall impose a fee of $15.00, and we will return art free of charge by UPS Ground (we will provide the labor for returning art by some other carrier / method at the artist's expense).
Motion to amend CARRIES.
Motion to amend CARRIES.
The Motion, as amended, CARRIES (taking care of Points 6 & 7).
During discussion of Point 8, the Chair THROWS OUT THE POINT.
(Ed. Notes: To summarize the results of this great deal of discussion and Motions and Motions to Amend and Everything Else:
After the Meeting, the Treasurer submits the following postscript to his report:
Supplementary Treasurer's Report:
As a result of the motion to set Art Show rates to be the same as 1997, I've gone and done the research to figure out what they were. The records show that the below is the best guess as to the '97 rates.
The cost for panel and table space shall be five dollars ($5.00) per quarter unit of space. The cost for free standing floor space shall be the same as for table space.
The commission is ten percent (10%) of sales.
The commission shall have a maximum cap of thirty dollars ($30.00) per unit (or fractional unit) of space rented less the space fees paid.
For space rentals less then one full unit of space the commission cap shall be thirty dollars ($30.00) less the space fees paid.
The commission charged shall be the lessor of the commission cap or the actual calculated commission.
The mail-in fee shall be $10. [Note: Changed by separate vote to be $15 with Arisia paying for return shipping via UPS Ground.]
Print shop rates are fifty cents ($0.50) per print with no limits of number of prints entered.
The Clerk notes that he has been successfully installed in his new abode, called for now "Sunset House," at 42 Sunset Road, Somerville, MA 02144 -- an easy toss of a baseball to the Tuft's Campus. He hopes to announce a housewarming date shortly. He has also had to make a painful concession to living in Metro Boston -- the Scarred, his faithful vehicle, has had to be disposed of. As such, Merv is currently foot and T bound, and folks needing his services should keep this in mind.
Merv announces his intent to run for another term as Corporate Clerk.
Noel Rosenberg shall run for Convention Chair of the ARISIA '02 Convention.
Nominations for Convention Chair shall be closed on 31 July 00.
Announcing the marriage of Ailsa and Adam Ek. Congratulations!
Meeting Adjourns at some barely sane hour.
Stray Notes
Rachel Silverman has announced her Candidacy for the position of Convention Chair for the ARISIA '02 Convention.
A reminder that Dues are Due at the Annual Meeting in September.
Executive Board
Noel Rosenberg PO Box 464 Chelmsford, MA 01824-0464 781 229-5323 (work) noel@concept5.com |
Arisia 2000 ConChair
Paul Selkirk 112A Marblehead Street North Reading, MA 01864 978 664-6365 paul@apocalypse.org |
Vice President
Cris Shuldiner 27 Varnum Street Haverhill, MA 01832 978 521-7039 cws@theforge.com |
ARISIA 2000 Treasurer
Nicholas Shectman 75 Lexington Avenue Somerville, MA 02144 Phi@apocalypse.org |
Skip Morris PO Box 542 Merrymack, NH 03054-0542 603 888 5567 morris@mv.mv.com |
ARISIA 2001 ConChair
Elka Tovah Menkes 32 Park Street #1 Brookline MA 02446 etm@world.std.com |
Tom "Merv" Murphy 42 Sunset Road Somerville MA 02144 Marvmerv@astro.umass.edu |
ARISIA 2001 Treasurer
Woody Bernardi |
Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers
Corporate Systems Administrator
Cris Shuldiner |
Budget Committee
Skip Morris, Chair |
Corporate Inventory Control
Carsten Turner |
Corporate Sales Officer
Nicholas Shectman |
Long Range Planning Committee
Paul Selkirk Tom Murphy Cris Shuldiner |
Grant Committee
Cris Shuldiner Buzz Harris Scott Campanella Walter Kahn |
Survey Committee
Ben Levy |
Records Task Force
Ben Levy |
Niccolo Machiavelli |
Membership/Subscription Information
Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA is included with Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.
September | $24 | March | $12 | |
October | $22 | April | $10 | |
November | $20 | May | $08 | |
December | $18 | June | $06 | |
January | $16 | July | $04 | |
February | $14 | August | $02 |
Membership Roster
Aaron Agassi |
Ben Levy |
Rob Bazemore |
Patrick McCormack |
Woody Bernardi |
Elka Tovah Menkes |
Drea Brandford |
Skip Morris |
Brian Cooper | Ailsa Ek |
Tom Coveney |
Tom "Merv" Murphy |
Adam Ek |
Brendan Quinn |
Marshall Ellis |
Mary Robison |
Tom Fish |
Noel Rosenberg |
George Flynn |
Matthew Saroff |
Glen R. Goodwin |
Paul Selkirk |
Buzz Harris | Nicholas Shectman |
Lisa Hertel |
Cris Shuldiner |
Walter Kahn |
Rachel Silverman |
Allan Kent |
Carsten Turner |
'Zanne Labonville |
Pat Vandenberg |
Calendar of Events
Sunday, 13 August 2000, 2:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting, MIT Building 66
Thurs- through Monday, 31 August - 04 September 2000
58th Annual Worldcon at Chicon 2000, Chicago, IL
Sunday, 17 September 2000, 2:00 PM
ARISIA Annual Corporate Meeting, MIT Building 66
Come one, come all!
Friday through Sunday, 12-14 January 2001
Featuring Lois McMaster Bujold, Wojtek Siudmak, and Wombat, AKA - jan howard finder.
ARISIA, Incorporated
1 Kendall Square
PMB 322, Building 600
Cambridge, MA 02139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, Incorporated.
All material copyright 2000, Arisia, Incorporated. All rights reserved.