The Lens

Mentor of ARISIA

Volume 12, Issue 95; March 2000

Minutes of the March Meeting  
Minutes of the EBoard Meeting 19 March 2000 This meeting of the ARISIA EBoard was convened at Mary Chung's Restaurant after the General Corporate Meeting. Much of the business was conducted there, and was concluded at Toscaninni's Ice Cream Parlor (apologies for the possible misspelling of the name of the Ice Cream Parlor). Business was conducted as follows: The ramifications of Bryttan Bradley's resignation as Corporate MailRoom Staff were discussed. Skip will pick up mail and drop it off at Storage for the time being. Paul Selkirk will contact an electrician who may be willing to volunteer his services to ARISIA in order to install the 220V outlet at the Storage Facility. The draw on the outlet shall be 100 Amps. Pursuant to a gripe from ARISIA '00, the EBoard discussed the matter of Smoking in Dealer's Row Rooms as a matter of Corporate Convention Policy. No conclusion was reached on the subject. Misunderstandings regarding the Contract Addendum were discussed. It appears that the Addendum was structured as an oral agreement; and it was determined that this would NOT happen again -- that all contractual matters would be secured in writing. The EBoard has decided upon a candidate for Treasurer of ARISIA '01, and postpones announcement pending the acceptance of the Candidate. The Grant Committee reported back on a Grant Application from MassFen. Pending a 2/3rds vote of at least half the membership (to overrule ARISIA's restriction on granting money to groups with restrictive memberships), the Grant Committee recommends the award of $750.00 to MassFen, and another $750.00 dependant upon MassFen securing matching funding from either advertisements or fundraising.

Special Announcement
As noted above in the minutes of the EBoard meeting, a Grant Recommendation is now before the membership. Since the group applying for the grant has been determined to have a restrictive membership covenant, a vote of the membership is required to grant or deny this application; pursuant to the ByLaws, at least half of ARISIA's Membership must attend the meeting at which the vote shall be taken. We would therefore encourage the Membership to make a concerted effort to attend the next General Corporate Meeting. It is our hope that members of MassFen will be available at this meeting to answer any questions the Membership may have.

Executive Board

Noel Rosenberg
PO Box 464
Chelmsford, MA 01824-0464
781 229-5323 (work)
Arisia 2000 ConChair
Paul Selkirk
112A Marblehead Street
North Reading, MA 01864
978 664-6365
Vice President
Cris Shuldiner
27 Varnum Street
Haverhill, MA 01832
978 521-7039
ARISIA 2000 Treasurer
Nicholas Shectman
75 Lexington Avenue
Somerville, MA 02144
Skip Morris
PO Box 542
Merrymack, NH 03054-0542
603 888 5567
ARISIA 2001 ConChair
Elka Tovah Menkes
41 Addington Road
Brookline MA 02445-4519
Tom "Merv" Murphy
154 Amherst Road Apartment 12
Belchertown, MA 01007
ARISIA 2001 Treasurer

Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers

Corporate Systems Administrator
Cris Shuldiner
Budget Committee
Skip Morris, Chair
Corporate Inventory Control
Carsten Turner
Corporate Sales Officer
Long Range Planning Committee
Paul Selkirk
Tom Murphy
Cris Shuldiner
Grant Committee
Cris Shuldiner Buzz Harris
Scott Campanella
Walter Kahn
Survey Committee
Ben Levy
Records Task Force
Ben Levy

Evil HR Director
Niccolo Machiavelli

Membership Roster

Aaron Agassi Patrick McCormack
Rob Bazemore Elka Tovah Menkes
Drea Brandford Skip Morris
Brian Cooper Ailsa Murphy
Tom Coveney Tom "Merv" Murphy
Adam Ek Brendan Quinn
Marshall Ellis Mary Robison
Tom Fish Noel Rosenberg
George Flyn Matthew Saroff
Glen R. Goodwin Paul Selkirk
Buzz Harris Nicholas Shectman
Lisa Hertel Cris Shuldiner
Walter Kahn Rachel Silverman
Allan Kent Carsten Turner
'Zanne Labonville Pat Vandenberg
Ben Levy  

Membership/Subscription Information

Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA is included with Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.
September $24   March $12
October $22   April $10
November $20   May $08
December $18   June $06
January $16   July $04
February $14   August $02

Calendar of Events

Sunday, 16 April 2000, 4:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting, MIT Building 66
Please note the change from the normal time.

Monday, 15 May 2000, 7:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting, Location TBD

Wednesday through Saturday, 26-29 May 2000
CostumeCon 18, Hartford Hilton, Hartford, CT

Sunday, 11 June 2000, 2:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting, MIT Building 66

Thursday, 13 July 2000, 7:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting, Location TBD

Friday through Sunday, 21-23 July 2000
Readercon 12, Burlington Marriott, Burlington MA

Sunday, 13 August 2000, 2:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting, MIT Building 66

Thurs- through Monday, 31 August - 04 September 2000
58th Annual Worldcon at Chicon 2000, Chicago, IL

Sunday, 17 September 2000, 2:00 PM
ARISIA Annual Corporate Meeting, MIT Building 66
Come one, come all!

ARISIA, Incorporated
1 Kendall Square
PMB 322, Building 600
Cambridge, MA 02139

Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, Incorporated.
All material copyright 1999, Arisia, Incorporated. All rights reserved.

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