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Mentor of ARISIAVolume 12, Issue 92 December 1999 |
How do you do, and welcome to a fat issue of MENTOR. There's quite a bit in here, as the notes to the June and August meeting have been unearthed and are finally reported here. Enjoy.
MOVED to set the following meeting dates:
Meeting called to order at 8:50 PM.
Present are Elka Tovah Menkes, Skip Morris, Paul Selkirk, Cris Shuldiner, Glen Goodwin, Nicholas Shectman, and Tom Coveney.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.
(ed. note: The notes for the July Meeting, if held, were not included with this batch of notes.)
MOVED to allow the A'00 ConCom to set the ArisiaTV Advertisement Rates as seen fit.
MOVED to transfer Lisa Hertel to General Membership.
Motion automatically TABLED to the next meeting.
Tom Coveney will run for Corporate Clerk.
Rachel Silverman to run for President.
Jason Bordzol Campenella was born some short time ago, weighing in at 8 lbs. and measuring 21" long/tall. Congratulations, Scott & Bea!
Next Meeting to be held at 12:00 PM 19 Sept 1999 at MIT Building 66. Corporate Elections will be held at this time.
Meeting Called to Order at 8:21 PM 31 August 1999 at Zantar's Oven, Brookline, MA.
Present are Elka Tovah Menkes, Skip Morris, Tom Coveney, and Cris Shuldiner.
The meeting adjourns at 9:15 PM.
Meeting Called to Order at 12:53 PM at Stefanni's Pizza & Restaurant in Cambridge, MA.
Present are Noel Rosenberg, Cris Shuldiner, Tom Murphy, Paul Selkirk and Nicholas Shectman; with guest appearances by Skip Morris from the road via cell phone.
The Corporate Office and Storage Facility Key Issue was briefly revisited.
The EBoard acknowledged the lawyer's opinion on the clause in the hotel contract regarding the Exhibitor's Contract. It was determined that when this hotel contract expires, that this clause will be rewritten and renegotiated.
The EBoard has determined that no specific policy regarding convention attendees under the age of 18 was needed.
The Corporation has received permission from the Landlord to hire an electrician and install a 220-volt line in the ARISIA Corporate Office and Storage Facility.
There are currently three candidates for the position of Convention Treasurer for ARISIA '01.
The Hotel is doing better with asking the right questions during the Reservation process, but work still needs to be done.
The EBoard reports that all three of the proposed ByLaws Amendments meet the criteria for going before the Membership for a vote. The EBoard reports favorably on the first and second proposed amendments, and does not recommend the third proposed amendment.
The meeting adjourns at 1:50 PM.
Phi submitted a motion to amend the convention budget (included in its entirety later in this newsletter).
MOVED to accept the amendments to the Budget.
Phi submits the text for a second motion to amend the convention budget, specifically to reimburse the corporation for certain convention expenses.
A Motion to amend the A'00 Budget (as detailed hereafter) was introduced directly to the table.
A motion to modify Corporate Convention Policy to allow hours worked before a particular convention to count towards a comp'ed membership for the current year, if recorded on a separate timesheet, was taken off of the table.
The Membership considers the Motion to Amend the ByLaws by removing the empty Section 1.2; the specifics included by reference to Mentor of ARISIA Volume 12 Issue 91.
Motion CARRIES, 8-0-0.
The Membership considers the Motion to Amend the ByLaws by eliminating the Red Shirt class of Membership; the specifics included by reference to Mentor of ARISIA Volume 12 Issue 91.
Motion CARRIES, 6-1-1 (the Chair ruled that the abstention counted as a vote).
The Membership considers the Motion to Amend the ByLaws by eliminating Proxies for voting; the specifics included by reference to Mentor of ARISIA Volume 12 Issue 91.
Motion FAILS, 5-3-0, lacking 2/3's vote of the Membership.
MOVED to set the February and March meetings of the Membership as follows:
First, please remember that I live waaayyyyy out in the boondocks of Massachusetts. I often leave home several hours before a corporate meeting. If you wish to submit an unsigned proxy via email, please get it in the system at least 24 hours before the meeting, to allow me the opportunity to receive and print these proxies. Proxies delivered at the meeting are always welcome.
Next, for those submitting reports and/or motions, please, if at all possible, submit them electronically. It makes my life assembling Mentor after the meeting much less difficult.
Finally, reports and motions by tradition and mandate of the Clerk must be submitted in writing at the meeting. This is required for proper and accurate transcription of the original report or motion and any amendments to the motion approved during the meeting.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
Noel Rosenberg PO Box 464 Chelmsford, MA 01824-0464 781 229-5323 (work) noel@concept5.com |
Arisia 2000 ConChair
Paul Selkirk 112A Marblehead Street North Reading, MA 01864 978 664-6365 paul@apocalypse.org |
Vice President
Cris Shuldiner 27 Varnum Street Haverhill, MA 01832 978 521-7039 cws@theforge.com |
ARISIA 2000 Treasurer
Nicholas Shectman 75 Lexington Avenue Somerville, MA 02144 Phi@apocalypse.org |
Skip Morris PO Box 542 Merrymack, NH 03054-0542 603 888 5567 morris@mv.mv.com |
ARISIA 2001 ConChair
Elka Tovah Menkes 41 Addington Road Brookline MA 02445-4519 etm@world.std.com |
Tom "Merv" Murphy 154 Amherst Road Apartment 12 Belchertown, MA 01007 Marvmerv@astro.umass.edu |
ARISIA 2001 Treasurer
Pending |
Corporate Systems Administrator
Cris Shuldiner |
Corporate Inventory Control
Carsten Turner |
Budget Committee
Skip Morris, Chair |
Corporate Sales Officer |
Long Range Planning Committee
Tom Murphy Paul Selkirk Cris Shuldiner |
Grant Committee
Cris Shuldiner Buzz Harris Scott Campanella Walter Kahn |
Survey Committee
Ben Levy |
Records Task Force
Ben Levy |
Aaron Agassi | Patrick McCormack |
Rob Bazemore | Elka Tovah Menkes |
Drea Brandford | Skip Morris |
Brian Cooper | Ailsa Murphy |
Adam Ek | Tom "Merv" Murphy |
Marshall Ellis | Brendan Quinn |
Tom Fish | Mary Robison |
George Flyn | Noel Rosenberg |
Glen R. Goodwin | Matthew Saroff |
Buzz Harris | Paul Selkirk |
Lisa Hertel | Nicholas Shectman |
Walter Kahn | Cris Shuldiner |
Allan Kent | Rachel Silverman |
'Zanne Labonville | Carsten Turner |
Ben Levy | Pat Vandenberg |
September | $24 | March | $12 | |
October | $22 | April | $10 | |
November | $20 | May | $08 | |
December | $18 | June | $06 | |
January | $16 | July | $04 | |
February | $14 | August | $02 |
Thursday, 30 December 1999 7:00 PM
ARISIA '00 ConCom Meeting, Bldg. NE43, MIT Campus
Friday through Sunday, 07-09 January 2000
GAFilk, Middleton GA
Contact xwinger@mci2000.com
Sunday, 09 January 2000 2:00 PM
ARISIA '00 ConCom Meeting at MIT Building 66
Friday through Sunday, 14-16 January 2000
ARISIA '00, The Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers
Friday through Sunday, 14-16 January 2000
ChattaCon, Clarion Hotel, Chatanooga TN
Contact info@chattacon.org
Friday through Sunday, 14-16 January 2000
MarsCon, Ramada Hotel Williamsburg VA
Contact marscon@erols.com
Sunday, 16 January 2000, 5:ish PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting at The Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, Room To Be Announced.
Sunday, 23 January 2000 1:00 PM
ARISIA '00 Debriefing at a place TBD
NO, I still won't be the featured topic -- Merv
Saturday & Sunday 5-6 February 2000
Wolf 359, London, England
Contact: wolf359@aol.com
Friday through Sunday 18-20 February 2000
Boskone 37, Sheraton Framingham, Framingham MA
Wednesday through Saturday, 26-29 May 2000
CostumeCon 18, Hartford Hilton, Hartford, CT
Friday through Sunday, 21-23 July 2000
Readercon 12, Burlington Marriott, Burlington MA
Thurs- through Monday, 31 August - 04 September 2000
58th Annual Worldcon at Chicon 2000, Chicago, IL
Arisia 1999 Final Account Statement
Checking account: $ 7,505.33
Merchant account: $ 1,431.33
Comps from Arisia '98: $ 1,168.00
Sales at Arisia '98: $ 5,815.00
A99 sales overpayment to corp: $ 18.00
$ 7,001.00
Checking account opening balance: $ 5,126.93
Arisia '00 for comps: $ 1,200.00
Six-month-old uncleared checks:
Rich Staats: $ 7.20
Rachel Silverman: $ 50.00
Skip Morris: $ 15.80
Andy Kaufman: $ 9.94
$ 82.94
$ 6,409.87
Overall total (net bottom line): $ 9,527.79
Arisia 1999 Profit and Loss Statement
Ad Income 1,130.00
Art Show:
Commissions 278.10
Mailing Fees 285.35
Panels and Tables 1,935.00
Print Shop Fees 10.00
TOTAL Art Show 2,508.45
Rooms 1,860.00
Tables 3,600.00
TOTAL Dealers 5,460.00
At-Con Reg:
$05 40.00
$15 360.00
$20 260.00
$25 5,100.00
$35 2,415.00
$40 13,120.00
TOTAL At-Con Reg 21,295.00
$08 1,168.00
$25 4,450.00
$30 13,620.00
$40 1,720.00
Discounted 370.50
TOTAL Prereg 21,328.50
TOTAL Registration 42,623.50
TOTAL INCOME 51,721.95
Con Chair:
Admin 38.63
GoH Liaison:
Admin 103.92
Food 609.04
Travel 721.21
TOTAL GoH Liaison 1,434.17
Hotel Liaison:
Admin 69.75
Electricity 2,050.00
Function Space 1,500.00
Hotel Rooms 490.28
Parking 96.00
Tips 764.98
Video Hookup 300.00
TOTAL Hotel Liaison 5,271.01
TOTAL Con Chair 6,743.81
Admin 6.29
Art Show:
Admin 334.36
Artist Reception 570.94
Errors 121.45
Logistics 48.00
Shipping 106.76
TOTAL Art Show 1,181.51
Banquet 1,909.92
Camarilla Ball 259.85
Dealers Room 170.32
Filking 202.31
Films 1,834.00
Live Video:
Admin 48.77
Videotape 283.75
TOTAL Live Video 332.52
Masquerade 103.65
Meet the Pros 398.09
Opening Ceremonies 80.76
Photography 81.99
Play 238.73
Admin 71.93
Clearcom 250.00
Lighting 994.95
Pipe & Drape 890.00
Sound 500.00
Staging 1,732.00
TOTAL Technical 4,438.88
Titanic Dance 126.59
Video Theatre:
Equipment 1,150.00
License Fees 300.00
TOTAL Video Theatre 1,450.00
TOTAL Events 12,815.41
Ad Sales 13.50
Admin 99.45
Advertising 884.00
Promotional Parties 1,064.59
Admin 112.60
At-con Newsletter 413.81
Date Change Mailing 108.22
Flyers 253.31
Mass Mailer:
Postage 415.84
Printing 318.49
TOTAL Mass Mailer 734.33
Pocket Program 1,692.04
Prereg Packet:
Postage 320.00
TOTAL Prereg Packet 320.00
Program Book 2,769.63
TOTAL Publications 6,403.94
TOTAL Marketing 8,465.48
Admin 41.90
Communications 588.57
Gopher Hole:
Admin 11.03
Earned Comps 1,200.00
Ribbons 312.66
T-Shirts 1,204.00
TOTAL Gopher Hole 2,727.69
Logistics 791.56
Ops Desk 99.53
Security 126.65
Telephones 917.98
TOTAL Operations 5,293.88
Admin 898.95
Fast Track 77.23
Program AV 521.00
Program Ops 252.84
TOTAL Programming 1,750.02
Babysitting 626.14
Con Suite 1,869.83
Dead Dog 95.68
Green Room 639.37
Admin 10.16
Badge Holders 330.00
Badge Stock 159.58
Forms 108.48
TOTAL Registration 608.22
Staff Den 1,037.72
TOTAL Services 4,876.96
Admin 11.48
Bank Charge:
Credit Card Fees 676.42
Bank Charge-Other 165.53
TOTAL Bank Charge 841.95
Errors - 0.03
Insurance 1,395.20
TOTAL Treasury 2,248.60
Arisia 2000 FY99 Account Statement
Checking account: $ 6,643.83
$ 6,643.83
Accounts Payable:
Lisa Hertel: $ 871.75
$ 871.75
$ 871.75
Overall total (net bottom line): $ 5,772.08
Dealers 2,520.00
$25 4,550.00
TOTAL Prereg 4,550.00
TOTAL Registration 4,550.00
Con Chair:
Bank Charge 11.17
TOTAL Treasury 11.17
TOTAL Con Chair 11.17
Advertising 285.00
Admin 19.75
Mass Mailer:
Printing 852.00
TOTAL Mass Mailer 852.00
TOTAL Publications 871.75
TOTAL Marketing 1,156.75
Mailings 130.00
TOTAL Programming 130.00
ARISIA '00 Budget Amendment Number 2
Passed at the December Meeting
Old |
New |
Art Show Administration |
$ 700.00 |
Art Show Administration |
$ 100.00 |
Art Show Mailings |
$ 300.00 |
Art Show Forms |
$ 300.00 |
Babysitting |
$ 800.00 |
Babysitting Income |
$ 500.00 |
Babysitting Salaries |
$ 900.00 |
Babysitting Taxes |
$ 75.00 |
Babysitting Payroll |
$ 75.00 |
Babysitting Pagers |
$ 100.00 |
Babysitting Snacks |
$ 100.00 |
Babysitting Administration |
$ 50.00 |
Promotional Parties |
$1100.00 |
Promotional Parties |
$ 200.00 |
Contingency Fund |
$ 0.00 |
Fast Track |
$ 450.00 |
Fast Track |
$ 600.00 |
Period Dance |
$ 300.00 |
Period Dance |
$ 650.00 |
Small Event 4 |
$ 300.00 |
Internet Room |
$ 300.00 |
Video Theatre Equipment |
$ 900.00 |
Video Theatre Equipment |
$ 100.00 |
Technical Lights |
$ 300.00 |
Technical Lights |
$ 600.00 |
Technical Sound |
$ 200.00 |
Technical Sound |
$ 500.00 |
Budget Amendment Number 3
To be voted upon at the January Corporate Meeting
Corporate Reimbursement: |
Mailbox |
$ 250.00 |
Storage |
$4000.00 |
Permits |
$ 100.00 |
Equipment |
$1000.00 |
Checking Account Balance $11,150.57
ARISIA, Incorporated
1 Kendall Square
PMB 322, Building 600
Cambridge, MA 02139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, Incorporated.
All material copyright 1999, Arisia, Incorporated. All rights reserved.