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Mentor of ARISIAVolume 12, Issue 91 November 1999 |
Present were Noel Rosenberg, Cris Shuldiner, Skip Morris and Paul Selkirk. Elka Tovah Menkes and Nicholas Shectman were notified of the impromptu meeting; Tom Murphy waived his right to notice for this meeting.
After discussion, the EBoard of ARISIA, incorporated authorized the expenditure of $200.00 to install 3-phase power outlet(s) at the Corporate Office and Storage Facility of ARISIA, Incorporated, for the use of the membership (to wit, testing dimmer packs and other Tech Gear).
The EBoard also approved a request from the PhilCon ConCom to borrow our drape for use at their con.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.
The EBoard gathered at the offices of Concept5 at 7:45 PM Tuesday, 09 November 1999.
Noel Rosenburg, Cris Shuldiner, Skip Morris, Tom Murphy and Paul Selkirk were in attendance.
On the Issues of Memberships:
The EBoard granted two Membership waivers.
On the Issues of Keys:
The EBoard agrees that in addition to the amusing method of enumerating the key sets by language and numbering them in that language, a more mundane method will be employed on the flip side of the key.
The EBoard decided that the following positions should have keys: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Clerk, Corporate Inventory Control (CIC), Art Show Equipment Liaison, Current ARISIA ConChair, and Corporate Mailroom Staff.
Legal Issues:
The clause in the Hotel Contract entitled "Exhibitor's Contract" shall be referred to the Corporate Lawyer for review with regard to the effective scope of the Clause.
The EBoard discussed and noted several possibilities to amend the contract with the Hotel.
Skip reports on the legalities of Fast Track and Babysitting. After discussion, the EBoard authorizes the application for Exempt status for Child Care.
The EBoard discussed the situation regarding Responsibility / Liability for young fans participating in Fast Track, and determined that young fans need the same parental supervision in Fast Track as the child would need in any other part of the Convention, as determined by the Parent.
While discussing this, the EBoard has determined that there is no preexisting Standing Corporate Policy for Convention Fast Track, and determined that one was needed.
Paul wanted to change the fee for babysitting from $70.00 to $50.00. The EBoard endorses the idea.
ARISIA Corporate Office and Storage Facility changes:
Skip has been talking to the Landlord about installing a 220-volt power line. Nothing substantial has come of it yet, because the Landlord has not quite been available.
Art Show: Artist's individual art works are NOT insured. Insurance for artwork is the responsibility of the artist. That was not mentioned in the original mailing to the Artists. Cris wants to look into adding Artwork for the Art Show to the Convention Insurance Policy in this and future years.
Grant Committee Business:
The Treasurer cut the check to 5Con for the promised grant of $750 in matching grant funds, and handed it to the Clerk to hand-deliver to the 5Con Convention Staff.
Cris requested a recommendation from the EBoard regarding the Grant Application from the North American Representatives of EuroCon 2000 (hereafter, "The EuroCon Grant"). The position of the Grant Committee is favorable. After discussion, the EBoard reports favorably.
After discussion, the EBoard arrived at a consensus that now that the 5Con check has been cut and assuming that the Membership accepts the proposed Corporate Budget, the Grant Fund will start off the current fiscal year with $5,130.00.
File Cabinets:
Skip has volunteered to get a file cabinet to hold corporate records at the Storage Facility.
Corporate Budget:
The EBoard discussed the Corporate Budget, and decided to recommend the Membership approve the Budget.
Other Business:
We need a Treasurer for ARISIA '01.
There are some difficulties with the Hotel Reservations Staff. These difficulties (such as not specifying if the con attendee wants a quiet or a party floor, etc.) will be addressed.
Noel will reply to a letter from the Seaport Hotel soliciting our business.
The meeting adjourns after midnight.
Skip Morris is proclaimed to have the most coordinated outfit.
The following business was transacted:
MOVED to grant $1000 to the North American representatives of Eurocon.
MOVED to amend by changing the remaining line item for a swipe box to $400.
I signed and mailed off the Annual Report as required by the State. They didn't like our Vee Pee's signature, so I gave 'em mine. Thanks, Cris, for preparing that report.
I'm trying desperately to bring the Corporate Database up to date. I'm hearing folks ask for a Corporate Directory to be published. To achieve both these goals, I have a request.
I want to make a "Membership Information Form" to include in the next Mentor. This form will be mailed back to ARISIA in a Business Reply Envelope. I suggest this as opposed to an earlier Post Card idea because this will contain private information and really shouldn't be visible to everyone as it will be on a post card.
The information requested will include Name, Fan Name, Address (Street, City, State, Country, Zip), Home and Work Phones, Pager, Cell Phone and EMail Addresses, what work they do for the Convention, what Committees they would be willing to serve on (a list of suggested committees will be provided), and whether or not we may publish the same in the Corporate Directory.
Therefore, I would like the Membership to discuss and act on the following motion:
MOVE to authorize the expenses involved in getting a current Membership Survey out to the Membership and back to the Corporation; such expenses including but not limited to researching a Business Reply Permit, obtaining a Business Reply Permit, Envelopes and the printing fees associated with printing the Business Reply Permit (assuming it can't be done with WORD and an inkjet printer) on the envelope, and the postage associated with returning this mail to the Corporation.
I have also been asked to produce printed sets of the Articles of Organization, the Corporate Bylaws, the Corporate Standing Policies, and a new issue of the Corporate Directory. There can be no actual changes to the Articles of Organization without disincorporating. There are pending Bylaws Amendments, so I'll wait on printing those. However, I'm appalled at the organization and layout of the Policies. Similar and related policies are scattered throughout the document. I took the liberty of cleaning it up. It should be noted that this will affect the motions under Old Business regarding Corporate Convention Policy only inasmuch as the numbering of the Policies in those motions would need to be adjusted to conform to the new Document. The point is, when all of the current flurry of activity with these documents are complete, I'll print them up nicely and bind them and send them out.
MOVED to authorize the expenses involved in getting an up-to-date copy of the bylaws, articles of organization, and policies to the membership, and in conducting a membership survey.
Mailings have gone out, memberships have come in.
Upcoming deadlines include pre-reg packet on November 27, almost everyone else has info deadlines on November 30, including ops and hotel.
Baby-sitters will be employees with all the fun that that entails.
There is a possible issue with the terrace room that may affect how the convention is laid out and may have a budget impact. We don't know if the play is going to run past the end of the year.
We had a party at Philcon which was well attended, and we sold 5 memberships and a couple of T-shirts and collected on one dealers table. This made a very small dent in the 27 boxes of T-shirts in storage.
Skip reports that the hotel reservations desk has been having trouble but that this has been addressed. The manner in which this problem was resolved suggests that the hotel staff are afraid of Starwood, the parent corporation.
MOVED to amend corporate policy to set the program book ad rates to those advertised over the last two years.
MOVED to set corporate policy to change the baby-sitting rate from $70 to $50.
MOVED to change the number of hours required to earn a free membership from 18 to 16.
MOVED to authorize the con chair to use prior years staff T-shirts as gopher incentives.
MOVED to eliminate the category of "Last Year" and leave only "Older" with regard to T-shirt and sweatshirt sales.
MOVED to allocate $750 to purchase sales goods.
MOVED to direct the Arisia E-board to negotiate for taping, editing and reproduction of a masquerade video using the following guidelines:
MOVED to direct the Arisia E-board to negotiate for taping, editing and reproduction of a masquerade video.
MOVED to set sales prices as follows (general/corporate price): Con T-shirt, $12/$10; Old T-shirt, $5/$4; Old Sweatshirt, $10/$8; Lens T-shirt, $10/$8; Lens Sweatshirt, $15/12; Lens Patch $4/$3.
Cris reports, as directed, that we have a volunteer problem.
MOVED to take up from the table the motion to form a committee to investigate a gaming convention.
Motion FAILS.
Motion to form the committee is taken up and PASSED anyway, 5-3 with three abstentions. Anyone interested in being on the committee please speak to the president.
If anyone wishes to be on the Awards Committee or the Survey committee, please contact the president.
Paul, Cris, Buzz, Zanne, and Skip were appointed to the Hotel Search Committee by the President.
Paul and Cris were appointed to the Long Range Planning Committee by the President.
There's another Convention Budget Amendment in the works from Phi:
Fast Track: +$150 for ice cream
Two New Small Events at $300 apiece
No offsetting income items
Total: $750.00
Proposed By-Laws Amendments
There are three proposed amendments to the By-Laws of ARISIA, Incorporated. These proposed amendments are listed below:
This amendment is submitted by Paul Selkirk, Skip Morris, Cris Shuldiner, Suzanne Labonville, and Nicholas Shectman.
This amendment is submitted by Paul Selkirk, Cris Shuldiner, Skip Morris, Nicholas Shectman, and Suzanne Labonville.
This amendment is submitted by Cris Shuldiner, Skip Morris, Paul Selkirk, Nicholas Shectman, and Benjamin Levy.
President Noel Rosenberg PO Box 464 Chelmsford, MA 01824-0464 781 229-5323 (work) noel@concept5.com |
Arisia 2000 Conchair Paul Selkirk 112A Marblehead Street North Reading, MA 01864 978 664-6365 paul@apocalypse.org |
Vice President Cris Shuldiner 27 Varnum Street Haverhill, MA 01832 978 521-7039 cws@theforge.com |
ARISIA 2000 Treasurer Nicholas Shectman 75 Lexington Avenue Somerville, MA 02144 Phi@apocalypse.org |
Treasurer Skip Morris PO Box 542 Merrymack, NH 03054-0542 603 888 5567 morris@mv.mv.com |
ARISIA 2001 Conchair Elka Tovah Menkes 41 Addington Road Brookline MA 02445-4519 etm@world.std.com |
Clerk Tom "Merv" Murphy 154 Amherst Road Apartment 12 Belchertown, MA 01007 Marvmerv@astro.umass.edu |
ARISIA 2001 Treasurer Pending |
Corporate Systems Administrator
Cris Shuldiner |
Corporate Inventory Control
Carsten Turner |
Corporate Sales Officer
Awards Committee
Long Range Planning Committee
Paul Selkirk Cris Shuldiner |
Budget Committee
Skip Morris, Chair |
Arisia Audit Fund
Ben Levy |
Grant Committee
Cris Shuldiner Buzz Harris Scott Campanella Walter Kahn |
Hotel Search Committee Paul Selkirk Cris Shuldiner Buzz Harris Suzanne Labonville Skip Morris |
Records Task Force
Survey Committee
Aaron Agassi | Patrick McCormack |
Rob Bazemore | Elka Tovah Menkes |
Drea Brandford | Skip Morris |
Brian Cooper | Ailsa Murphy |
Adam Ek | Tom "Merv" Murphy |
Marshall Ellis | Brendan Quinn |
Tom Fish | Mary Robison |
George Flyn | Noel Rosenberg |
Glen R. Goodwin | Matthew Saroff |
Buzz Harris | Paul Selkirk |
Lisa Hertel | Nicholas Shectman |
Walter Kahn | Cris Shuldiner |
Allan Kent | Rachel Silverman |
'Zanne Labonville | Pat Vandenberg |
Ben Levy |
Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA are included in Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.
September | $24 | March | $12 |
October | $22 | April | $10 |
November | $20 | May | $08 |
December | $18 | June | $06 |
January | $16 | July | $04 |
February | $14 | August | $02 |
Sunday, 12 December 1999 12:00 PM
ARISIA '00 Division Heads Meeting at MIT Building 66
Sunday, 12 December 1999 2:00 PM
ARISIA '00 ConCom Meeting at MIT Building 66
Sunday, 19 December 1999, 2:00 PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting at MIT Building 66.
Thursday, 30 December 1999 7:00 PM
ARISIA '00 ConCom Meeting, Location TBD
Friday through Sunday, 07-09 January 2000
GAFilk, Middleton GA
Contact xwinger@mci2000.com
Sunday, 09 January 2000 2:00 PM
ARISIA '00 ConCom Meeting at MIT Building 66
Friday through Sunday, 14-16 January 2000
ARISIA '00, The Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers
Friday through Sunday, 14-16 January 2000
ChattaCon, Clarion Hotel, Chatanooga TN
Contact info@chattacon.org
Friday through Sunday, 14-16 January 2000
MarsCon, Ramada Hotel Williamsburg VA
Contact marscon@erols.com
Sunday, 16 January 2000, 5:ish PM
ARISIA Corporate Meeting at The Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers, Room To Be Announced.
Sunday, 23 January 2000 1:00 PM
ARISIA '00 Debriefing at a place TBD
NO, I still won't be the featured topic -- Merv
Saturday & Sunday 5-6 February 2000
Wolf 359, London, England
Contact: wolf359@aol.com
Friday through Sunday 18-20 February 2000
Boskone 37, Sheraton Framingham, Framingham MA
Friday through Sunday, 21-23 July 2000
Readercon 12, Burlington Marriott, Burlington MA
ARISIA, Incorporated
1 Kendall Square
PMB 322, Building 600
Cambridge, MA 02139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, Incorporated.
All material copyright 1999, Arisia, Incorporated. All rights reserved.