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MentorThe Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated -- Number 117, July/August 2002 |
The next meeting will be the Annual Meeting of the Corporation, at which we will elect officers, and deal with any other business that may come to the floor.
All general (non-honorary) corporate memberships expire at the end of August. Dues in the amount of $24 must be paid (or a request for waiver of dues must be submitted to the Executive Board) by the start of the Annual Meeting in order to retain voting rights, or to run for office.
Minutes of the July Meeting
Tuesday, July 16, 2002, 7:27 PM. Arisia storage facility, Somerville MA.
Traciy Fogarty, Joel Herda, Lisa Hertel, Alex Latzko, Ben Levy, Skip Morris, Tom Murphy, Brendan Quinn, Noel Rosenberg, Nicholas Shectman, and Carsten Turner.
In absence of the Clerk, Nicholas Shectman took notes.
None recorded.
The eboard has not met, so there is no eboard report.
The president has filed for the permit for the clambake for September 7, and is working on getting a letter out. A draft of the letter was passed around the meeting.
Not present, no report.
Not present, no report.
I am looking into alternative storage spaces.
There was a budget meeting. Alex is redoing the format.
Arisia '02 has not closed its books. I hope to have a report to close the books by August. I'm also hoping to get a meeting together to do registration data entry left over from last year.
Planning is going along. We had a budget meeting the other day. Skip would like to base the budget on last year's attendance figures or close to it, and also include modifiers based on the pre-reg numbers as of the first business day after Christmas. Going back in history that date has been a very good predictor of total attendance (within 30 people). Then we would adjust items like banquet orders accordingly. The net result of this would be a higher budget than last year, with a conditional budget according to the pre-reg numbers.
Skip also wants to have three categories of Special Guests: costume, filk, and gaming. They would get room, food, and travel, so would be mostly the same deal as the GOHs from a budget standpoint.
After much discussion, it was concluded that Skip will propose in his budget three Special Guest categories, with travel and lodging but minimal food (staff den privileges?), and will ask the Pettingers now, but will hold off asking the filk guests until the budget passes.
MOVED to direct Skip Morris to invite the Pettingers to be Special Costume Guests. Motion PASSED.
We have a schedule through the end of the year for concom meetings, div head meetings, and so on, so people can schedule around it.
MOVED to set corporate meeting dates through December at this meeting. Motion PASSED.
MOVED to set the September meeting to Sunday the 15th at 1:00 PM at MIT. Motion PASSED.
MOVED to set the August meeting to Sunday the 18th at 2:00 PM at MIT. Motion PASSED.
MOVED to set the October meeting to Tuesday the 15th at 7:00 PM at storage. Motion PASSED.
MOVED to set the November meeting to Sunday the 17th at MIT. Motion PASSED.
MOVED to set the December meeting to Monday the 30th at Alex Latzko's house. Motion PASSED.
MOVED to set the January meeting to Sunday the 19th at 4pm at the Park Plaza. Motion PASSED.
Minutes of the August Meeting
Sunday, August 18, 2002, 2:00 PM. MIT Building 66, Cambridge MA.
As quorum was not reached, the meeting was not called to order. However, some matters of interest have come up since the last meeting.
Victoria (Poyser) Lisi and her husband Julius Lisi have accepted as Artist Guests of Honor. Currently living in Colorado, many folks will remember them from when they lived in Connecticut and were frequent local convention attendees and participants in art shows in Boston and New York. This will be their first appearance at an East Coast art show in years.
Additionally, Pierre and Sandy Pettinger have accepted as Special Costume Guests. Pierre and Sandy are long-time Master Costumers with many Best-of-Show awards at multiple Worldcons and CostumeCons. They most recently ran programming at CostumeCon 18 in Hartford two years ago, and are masquerade directors for Worldcon this year. This will be their first appearance at an East Coast regional.
In light of serious objections to the time and place of the proposed clambake, as well as considerable outside demands on his time that prevent him from rescheduling, Brendan Quinn has stepped down from planning the clambake, and it appears that it will not take place this year.
Membership/Subscription Information
Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA is included with Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.
September | $24 | March | $12 | |
October | $22 | April | $10 | |
November | $20 | May | $08 | |
December | $18 | June | $06 | |
January | $16 | July | $04 | |
February | $14 | August | $02 |
Executive Board
President Brendan Quinn 309 Lake Street Waltham MA 02451 President@arisia.org |
Arisia 2002 Conchair Noel Rosenberg PO Box 464 Chelmsford MA 01824-0464 conchair@arisia.org |
Vice President Colette Fozard 360 Walker Street Lowell MA 01851-1729 vp@arisia.org |
Arisia 2002 Treasurer Chris Amshey 42 Boston Avenue Somerville MA 02144 con-treasurer@arisia.org |
Treasurer Nicholas Shectman 75 Lexington Avenue Somerville MA 02144 Treasurer@arisia.org |
Arisia 2003 Conchair Skip Morris PO Box 542 Merrymack, NH 03054-0542 conchair@arisia.org |
Clerk Paul Selkirk 112A Marblehead St N. Reading MA 01864-1526 Clerk@arisia.org |
Arisia 2003 Treasurer Alex Latzko |
Storage Facility Key Holders
Brendan Quinn |
Colette Fozard |
Nicholas Shectman |
Paul Selkirk |
Elka Tovah Menkes |
Noel Rosenberg |
Skip Morris |
Carsten Turner |
Linda Nee |
Cris Shuldiner |
Bryttan Bradley |
Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers
Grant Committee Colette Fozard (chair) Walter Kahn Krista Ernewein Claudia Mastroianni |
Database Committee Michelle McGuire Tom Murphy Paul Selkirk Cris Shuldiner |
Budget Committee Nicholas Shectman (chair) Chris Amshey Noel Rosenberg |
Long Range Planning Committee Cris Shuldiner (chair) Walter Kahn Sheeri Kritzer |
Corporate Inventory Control Carsten Turner |
Corporate Sales Officer Nicholas Shectman |
Corporate Systems Administrator Cris Shuldiner |
Survey Committee Claudia Mastroianni |
Gaming Convention Exploratory Committee (vacant) |
Technical Equipment Committee Joel Herda (chair) Liz Orenstein |
Membership Roster
Aaron Agassi | Christopher Amshey |
Rob Bazemore | Angela Bowen |
Drea Brandford | Brian Cooper |
Regis M. Donovan | Tom Fish |
George Flynn | Traciy Fogarty |
Colette H. Fozard | Glen Goodwin |
Joel Herda | Brendan Hertel |
Lisa Hertel | Walter Kahn |
Allan Kent | Sheeri Kritzer |
Zanne Labonville | Alex Latzko |
Jacob Lefton | Benjamin Levy |
Claudia Mastroianni | Patrick McCormack |
Craig McDonough | Michelle McGuire |
Elka Tovah Menkes | Skip Morris |
Tom Murphy | Linda M. Nee |
Brendan Quinn | Matthew F. Ringel |
Mary Robison | Noel Rosenberg |
Matthew Saroff | Paul Selkirk |
Nicholas Shectman | Cris Shuldiner |
Rachel Silber | Rachel Silverman |
Patricia Ann Vandenberg | Michael Whitehouse |
Calendar of Events
Sunday, September 15, 2002, 11:00 AM
Arisia '03 Concom Meeting
MIT Building 66 -- free lunch to follow
Sunday, September 15, 2002, 2:00 PM
Arisia Corporate Annual Meeting
MIT Building 66, Room 168, Cambridge, MA
October 4-6, 2002
Albacon 2002
Ramada Inn, Schenectady, NY
October 4-6, 2002
Trinoc*coN 2002
Durham Marriott, Durham, NC
Sunday, October 13, 2002, 2:00 PM
Arisia '03 Concom Meeting
Executive Annex Room, Boston Park Plaza
Tuesday, October 15, 2002, 7:00 PM
Arisia Corporate Meeting
Arisia Storage, Somerville MA
November 2, 2002
Con*Cept 2002
Days Inn, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Sunday, November 17, 2002, 1:00 PM
Arisia '03 Concom Meeting
MIT Building 66, Room 168, Cambridge, MA
Sunday, November 17, 2002, 2:00 PM
Arisia Corporate Meeting
MIT Building 66, Room 168, Cambridge, MA
Sunday, December 1, 2002, 2:00 PM
Arisia '03 Concom Meeting
Location TBA
December 13-15, 2002
Philcon 2002
Center City Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, December 26, 2002
Arisia '03 Concom Meeting
Location TBA
Monday, December 30, 2002, 7:00 PM.
Arisia Corporate Meeting
Latzko residence, Milton MA
January 17-19, 2003
Arisia '03
Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston MA
Sunday, January 19, 2003, 4:00 PM
Arisia Corporate Meeting
Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston MA
ARISIA, Incorporated
Building 600, PMB 322
1 Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139