Meeting Minutes for Arisia Corporate Meeting - 24 March 2005
Meeting was called to order at
In the absence of the President, the VP (Rick K) moderated the meeting.
In the absence of the Clerk, Skip Morris was appointed to take minutes.
There were seven voting members present (Rick K, Skip M, Phi, Alex L, Walter K, Persis L, and Susan M. Also present were Don and Jill Eastlake who joined before the meeting.) In the absence of a quorum the meeting was convenied for hearing reports only.
Proxies: Ben Levy to Phi, DBS to Alex, Jeannie to Walter, Bridget to Alex, Noel to Phi, Shiela to Persis.
Officer and Committee Reports:
President's Report - not present, no report.
VP's Report - Has received grant info from Noel. All the info appears to be stale (ie, dealt with int he past.) He knows of no outstanding grants.
Treasurer's Report - We're solvent. We lent a swipebox to
Lunacon, we'll send them a check for Art Show
purchases which total $4922.70 plus $590.60 less about 3%. There
was a query as to whether or not we could afford to
have the lawyer in
Clerk's Report - Not present, no report.
Grant Committee (Rick) - Report included in VP report.
Hotel Search Committee (was Tom, now Buzz) - Not present, no report. (The eboard members present noted that Buzz was recently appointed to chair the Hotel Committee.)
Timeline Committee (Noel) - Not present, but members present reporting recently picking art show's brain.
Honors Commitee (Chair?) - Announcement that anyone interested in nominating someone to honors, please contact
Database Committee (Merv) - Not present, no report.
Long Range Planning (Bridget via Alex) - Has met, Bridget needs to summarize the results.
[Quorum Note: Carsten or Noel (I forget, I thought it was Carsten, but the notes say Noel.) joined the meeting by speakerphone. We now have quorum.]
Corporate Inventory Control (Skip) - Reported out a motion (originally from Merv). A draft Storage Policy was presented. After passing it around and receiving many friendly amendments it was passed by aclimation.
[Actual is on handwritten document with lots of scribbles that were hard to read. Was transcribed as follows. Please everyone who cares verify that the below is correct.]
Moved: To establish a Corporate Storage Policy as follows:
Arisia Corporate Storage Policy
1. Keys may be given out to individuals who need to access storage on a regular basis. Keyholders may not lend out keys to other individuals without EBoard or CIC approval.
2. Equipment and goods may be stored in Arisia Storage with permission of the EBoard or CIC, provided such items may be used by Arisia for free, ie "at no charge".
3. All equipment in Arisia Storage must be labeled, or be in a container labeled with the owners name; additionally all Arisia owned equipment must be labeled, or be in a container labeled with the responsible department.
4. Equipment in storage may be loaned out with EBoard approval. However Common Courtesy and Common Sense dictate that individual owners, and/or committee members responsible for such equipment be consulted before any loan is approved.
4a. Any time anything is loaned out from storage, an inventory record of said items should be sent to all keyholders to facilitate proper "check-in" when all items are returned.
4b. Anyone borrowing anything from Arisia Storage must agree to return everything in a like condition as borrowed, or to repair or replace anything damaged in a timely manner.
5. The Arisia CIC must maintain a contact list of all keyholders, and all individuals or organizations storing anything in storage. A copy of said list shall be posted in a conspicuous place in storage.
CIC made four more copies of the key since it was felt the new "no key loaning" policy would make it harder on current keyholders. Persis was given key #13. Rick was given other extra keys. [Note: Persis... we didn't tell you, but so far all the keys given out to ConChairs are where the key number matched the year they chaired the convention. That means you're doomed in 8 years...]
CIC has been in discussion with Bart (the landlord) over space. Bill Darby has moved and they're subdividing the space. Upshot is they want us to move to a slightly smaller space and charge us more rent. (Current rent is $640/month for about 1100 square feet.)
There was a discussion over storage issues. Upshot is Phi,
Alex and Skip will be checking out
[Note: Drydock was checked out, it appears the space isn't any cheaper then what the current landlord wants to charge.]
It was reported from the floor that the laminator is missing. Walter is checking the cost.
It was reported from the floor that a review of the photographic records of what was borrowed by the flea indicate that they did NOT borrow the missing Art Show shelves. Also, the shelves that came backup up here from BSFS are NOT the missing Arisia shelves. The most likely culprit is N4, but given the cheap price of the shelves it isn't worth persuing.
Skip's ladder still needs to be replaced. He will buy a new one and submit an expense report to Arisia who will then bill the Flea.
A bunch of stuff was borrowed by Lunacon. All of it appears to have been returned except for an 8' pulldown screen. Rick or Skip will pick it up the next time one of them is in NY.
Arisia 03 (Skip) - no report. Noted by A'04 Treasurer we're waiting for final financial report.
Arisia 04 (Carsten) - no report.
Arisia 05 (Buzz via Phi) - It's still over.
Arisia '05 Treasury (Cris) - Cris has a sick wife and kid.
Arisia '06 (Phi) - Most DivHeads are appointed. There will be a meeting in April to put together the budget. There was a successful party at Lunacon, there were 14 memberships sold.
Corp SysAdmin - Not present, no report.
Tech Equipment Committee - No report. Alex will talk to Paul Re: video gear and what he has accomplished. A message will be posted to Corporate as to which equipment will go away.
Survey Committee - Not present, no report.
Old Business - none.
New business
Motion that for email proxies be accepted they must be signed digitally, motion failed for lack of second. (Note: Informal discussion from the floor basically felt this was not needed since proxies are normally sent to the corporate list where all can see them. Falsification of proxies has not been a problem.)
Motion to change Art Show rates by Phi. We went to a Committee of the Whole for an extended discussion. Motions as returned from committee were:
1. Art Show rates are modifed to $29/panel prorated. Commissions are eliminated. [Passed Many to 1.]
2. Art Show rules should include "Arisia reserves the right to limit panel or table sales based upon the needs of the convention." [Passed by aclimation]
3. Corporate Art Show Policy modified to say: "The Convention Art Show may eliminate the display area for prints and require that all Print Shop artists instead rent Art Show display space." [Passed by aclimiation.]
[Note: After the meeting an alternate Art Show rate of $20/40 as discussed (ie, $20 per panel/table prorated for up to one panel, $40 per panel prorated for everything above one panel/table. Phi is looking into this, however this is a revenue neutral proposal and as such doesn't need action before the budget.]
Meeting Schedule:
Meetings were scheduled. The upcoming schedule of meetings and other stuff is:
April 24 (Sunday) Corporate Meeting Cancelled.
April 25 (Monday) @7:30
DivHead Meeting at
AggieCon 36
Weekend (
April 30-May
CostumeCon 23 Weekend (
May 15 (Sunday) Corporate Meeting at MIT (usual place/time).
May 27-30 Balticon Weekend (Baltimore).
June 12 (Sunday) Corporate Meeting at Jill Eastlake home.
ApolloCon 2
Weekend (
July 8-10 Readercon 15 Weekend.
August 4-8
Glascow (
September 1-5 NaSFiC (Seattle).
September 18 (Sunday) Arisia Annual Meeting (default time).