Mentor of ARISIASpecial Bulletin September 1999 |
This bulletin contains only announcements. Minutes of the previous meetings will be forthcoming, probably after the Special Meeting.
Special Meeting Notice
The Executive Board of Arisia regrets, but accepts as a fact of life, that notification of the Annual Meeting was not given in accordance with the Bylaws, and therefore the normal business of the Annual Meeting could not be conducted as planned.
Instead, there will be a Special Meeting in lieu of the Annual Meeting on Sunday, October 3, 1999, at 2:00 PM, at MIT Building 66. Please make every effort to attend. If you are unable to attend, please send a proxy.
Annual corporate dues of $24 are due no later than the beginning of the Special Meeting. You may mail a check to the Arisia address (Arisia Inc, Building 600, PMB 322, One Kendall Square, Cambridge MA 02139), or bring payment to the meeting. If you are unable to pay at this time, but wish to remain an active member, please contact the treasurer, Skip Morris, at or 603-888-5567. If you have not paid or made other provisions before the start of the meeting, you will not be able to vote at the meeting.
Major items of business at the meeting include:
The following nominations are known at this time. I apologize if I have forgotten or missed anyone.
Noel Rosenberg is running for president.
Cris Shuldiner is running for vice-president.
Skip Morris is running for treasurer.
Tom Murphy is running for clerk.
Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the meeting. If you wish to run for office, but cannot attend the meeting, you may submit your nomination in writing, and get someone else to bring it to the meeting, or send email to
Lisa Hertel and Aaron Agassi have been proposed for transfer from Red Shirt to General Member.
The Eboard has appointed Elka Tovah Menkes as chair of the Arisia '01 convention. This appointment must be confirmed by the Membership.
This budget (in its current or amended form) must be ratified by the Membership in order for the Arisia '00 committee to spend money.
A00 budget version 0.02, 28 jun 99 INCOME Ad Income 1500 Art Show: Commissions 225 Mailing Fees 275 Panels and Tables 1500 Print Shop Fees 0 TOTAL Art Show 2000 Dealers: Rooms 1800 Tables 2400 TOTAL Dealers 4200 Registration: At-Con Reg: $5 0 $15 300 $20 180 $25 5500 $35 2555 $40 14440 TOTAL At-Con Reg 22975 Prereg: $8 1200 $25 3700 $30 14910 $40 1760 Discounted 300 TOTAL Prereg 21870 TOTAL Registration 44845 TOTAL INCOME 52545 EXPENSES Con Chair: Admin 100 Concom News 100 GoH Liaison: Admin 125 Food 700 Travel 600 TOTAL GoH Liaison 1425 Hotel Liaison: Admin 100 Corkage Waiver 500 Electricity 1000 Engineering 500 Hotel Rooms 700 Tips 750 Video Hookup 300 TOTAL Hotel Liaison 3850 Treasury: Admin 100 Bank Charge: Credit Card Fees 700 Bank Charge-Other 150 TOTAL Bank Charge 850 Errors 0 Insurance 1400 TOTAL Treasury 2350 TOTAL Con Chair 7825 Events: Admin 100 Anime Theatre 300 ArisiaTV: Admin 50 Incidentals 100 Videotape 450 TOTAL ArisiaTV 600 Art Show: Admin 700 Artist Reception 1200 Errors 50 Logistics 50 Shipping 125 TOTAL Art Show 2125 Big Event 1 1500 Dealers Room 250 Filking 300 Films 1500 Gaming 300 Masquerade 300 Meet the Pros 500 Period Dance 300 Photography 225 Small Event 1 300 Small Event 2 300 Small Event 3 300 Technical: Admin 100 Clearcom 250 Lighting 300 Sound 200 TOTAL Technical 850 Video Theatre: Equipment 900 License Fees 600 TOTAL Video Theatre 1500 TOTAL Events 11550 Marketing: Ad Sales 200 Admin 300 Advertising 2000 Press 50 Promotional Parties 1100 Publications: Admin 100 At-con Newsletter 450 Flyers 400 Mass Mailer: Postage 425 Printing 350 TOTAL Mass Mailer 775 Pocket Program 1775 Prereg Packet: Postage 350 Printing 150 TOTAL Prereg Packet 500 Program Book 3800 TOTAL Publications 7800 TOTAL Marketing 11450 Operations: Admin 100 Communications 700 Gopher Hole: Admin 50 Earned Comps 1200 Ribbons 350 T-Shirts 950 TOTAL Gopher Hole 2550 Logistics 1250 Ops Desk 200 Security 200 Sign Shop 50 Telephones 500 TOTAL Operations 5550 Programming: Admin 500 Fast Track 450 Guest Liaison 100 Mailings 1700 Packets 250 Phone 200 Program AV 150 Program Ops 250 TOTAL Programming 3600 Services: Admin 100 Babysitting 800 Con Suite 2000 Green Room 800 Information Desk 50 Party Czar 200 Registration: Acknowledgement Postcards 150 Admin 50 Badge Holders 350 Badge Stock 200 Forms 125 TOTAL Registration 875 Staff Den 1300 TOTAL Services 6125 TOTAL EXPENSES 46100 TOTAL INCOME - EXPENSES 6445