
The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated — Number 149, July 2006


The July meeting will be held on August 6th at the Eastlake residence. See party announcement. There is no August meeting. Quorum for the July meeting will be 9, based on 51% of the average of the last 3 meetings.

The clerk would like to remind everyone that corporate dues are due on September 1st. It would be convenient to collect your payments for next year at the August 6th meeting. (So bring checkbooks.)

This Mentor includes the convention budget for Arisia 07. This constitutes notice to the membership that the budget will be discussed and voted on at the Aug 6th meeting.

The Eboard has voted to appoint September Isdell as the conchair for Arisia 08. As provided in the by-laws, this decision is subject to ratification by the membership. A vote will be held at the Aug 6th meeting.

The grant committee has received a request for a grant, described below. This also is likely to be on the corporate meeting agenda.

Arisia Summer Party Announcement

The summer party announcement/invitation is included with this Mentor. If there are any questions email Jack Dietz (

Minutes of the June Meeting

Call to order at 7:38 PM June 19th in September Isdell’s backyard. The corporation thanks Tem for providing dinner.

In attendance: Hobbit, Lisa Adler-Golden, Bridget Boyle, Jack Dietz, Joel Herda, Lisa Hertel, Lisa Holsberg, September Isdell, Rick Kovalcik, Alex Latzko, Tom Murphy, Rachel Silber, Persis Thorndike (13 attending)

Proxies: Phi to Rachel, Skip Morris and Pete Thomas to Merv, Jonah to Lisa, Jill Eastlake to Alex

The title on the minutes section in Mentor is wrong – May, not April.

Anyone interesting in running for con chair, let me know before the start of new business.

No grants on the table, and we haven’t been soliciting any.

Ben asked Cris to deal with the PayPal situation; we should know soon what’s needed.

Mail is not here at this meeting. Secretary of State paperwork was restarted. Keys list will be in next Mentor.

We interviewed 3 candidates for eboard and agreed to lend swipe boxes to Readercon.

There was a div heads meeting. Space allocation discussions are well under way – everything will be smaller --,as are local fan GoH discussions. Concomm meeting on Jun 25 may include hotel walkthroughs

Doing ugly things to Excel, may have a budget very soon.

.Most all our stuff is still there and the rest hasn’t been missed. Skip got a new flatbed cart an will be returning the other one to the Sherton. Robin Holly would make a new drape for the pipe and drape if someone would buy the fabric.

Rick spoke to Janet, Janet says Westin Copley booked solid, waterfront - $189/night, Sheraton or Marriott - has nothing for jan 08 - checking for later in year, and no avail for jan 09 either.

Jack and Rachel discussed a budget for the party-in-lieu-of-Relaxacon.

Park Plaza spam is still being sent. Run the how-to-opt-out information in Mentor.

Skip has nominated himself for conchair. The eboard will figure out when to interview him. Nominations are closed.

MSP – Arisia to become founding member of Carl Brandon Society to support cultural diversity and writers of color in SF/F. $100 will be sent to Carl Brandon Society. We will offer other organizational assistance to them as well.

July - Aug 6th at Eastlakes.

No August meeting.

Sept 17th at MIT, annual meeting, including elections.

Jill Eastlake is having a party on 6/24.

Dues will be due at the August meeting.

Rick is going back to Stratus, Merv moved, Lisa A-G is unemployed, Tem is job hunting, Alex’s company was acquired, Jasra should be job hunting.

A sprinkler head broke in a motel in Galveston TX. No con was going on.

Meeting adjourned 8:26.

Eboard Minutes

E-board meeting report, July 7, 2006 7 pm at the Burlington Marriott (thanks to Readercon for providing a room).

MSP to budget $150 to support the party at the Aug 6 corporate meeting.

Discussion of a grant request from Kenai, AK for funds for library materials. No vote taken.

The eboard interviewed Skip Morris for conchair. At the end of the interview, we discussed all the conchair candidates and decided to recommend September Isdell for confirmation by the membership as the Arisia ’08 conchair. Rick Kovalcik took on notifying the candidates and making a public announcement.

Mentor Subscription Information

Subscription to Mentor of Arisia is included with Corporate Membership to Arisia, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.

























Membership Roster

Lisa Adler-Golden

Rob Bazemore (honorary)

Aaron Agassi

Dave Belfer-Shevett

Bridget Boyle

Brian Cooper (honorary)

Tom Coveney

David D’Antonio

Jack Dietz

Regis Donovan

Elka Davidoff

Claudia Mastroianni

Don Eastlake

Jill Eastlake

Tom Fish (honorary)

Colette Fozard

Joel Herda

Brendan Hertel

Lisa Hertel

September Isdell

Jeanne Kahn

Walter Kahn

Allen Kent

Rick Kovalcik

Zanne Labonville

Alex Latzko

Michael Leuchtenburg

Ben Levy

Skip Morris

Susan Mozzicato

Tom Murphy

Karen Purcell

Pam Ochs

Mary Robison (honorary)

Noel Rosenberg

Paul Selkirk

Nicholas Shectman (“Phi”)

Pete Thomas

Rachel Silber

Cris Shuldiner (honorary)

Carsten Turner

Persis Thorndike

Conor Walsh

Pat Vandenberg


Executive Board


Rick Kovalcik

19 Chesley Rd

Newton Centre MA 02459

Arisia 2006 Conchair

Nicholas Shectman

75 Lexington Ave

Somerville MA 02144

Vice President

Lisa Hertel

93 Greenwood Rd

Andover MA 01810

Arisia 2005/06 Treasurer

Cris Shuldiner

9 Jeremy Hill Rd

Pelham NH 03076


Ben Levy

47 Brown St

Andover MA 01810

Arisia 2007Conchair

Joel Herda

17 Heath St #3

Somerville MA 02145


Rachel Silber

59 Orient Ave

Melrose MA 02176

Arisia 2007 Treasurer

Alex Latzko

Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers

Grant Committee

Lisa Hertel (head)

Honors Committee

Rachel Silber (head)

Budget Committee

Ben Levy (head)

Alex Latzko

Nicholas Shectman

Long Range Planning Committee

Bridget Boyle (head)

Jill Eastlake

Jack Dietz

Lisa Adler-Goldin

Corporate Inventory Control

Skip Morris (head)

Lisa Hertel


Joel Herda

Technical Equipment Committee

(same as CIC)

Corporate Systems Administrator

Cris Shuldiner

Survey Committee

Pat Vandenberg

Archives Committee

Lori “Jet” Turi

Corporate Sales Officer

Lisa Hertel

Hotel Search Committee

Jill Eastlake (head)

Skip Morris

Janet Stickle

Joel Herda

Timeline Committee

Lisa Hertel (head)

Skip Morris

Nicholas Shectman

Noel Rosenberg

Rachel Silber

Relaxacon Investigation Committee

Jack Dietz

Keys List

The following list of people who have keys to Arisia storage is periodically published in Mentor. For corrections to this list, or if you need access to storage or a storage key, mail to


Joel Herda


Alex Latzko


Skip Morris


Carsten Turner


Skip Morris




Michael Bergman


Bent key – Rick has it












Lisa Hertel


Ben Levy


Rachel Silber


Spares with Rick Kovalcik

Stopping Park Plaza Spam

Some corporate members have had problems with getting unwanted mail from the Park Plaza. If anyone else is having this problem with spam email, they can either try calling 800-328-6242 to be taken off the email list (reference complaint 200605244193 if necessary) or send Rick ( their email address and he will deal with it.

Grant Committee Notice

The Grant Committee has received a grant from The Kenai Community Library in Kenai, Alaska. The library would like $2500 to build up their SF collection, and support a writer's workshop with a local writer. The Grant Committee recommends the approval of this grant. (It should be noted that they originally asked for a larger amount, and halved their
request. We do have over $3K in the Fund.)

WorldCon Party

The Arisia party @ Worldcon needs your help!  If you would like to assist us in making our presence known in Anaheim this year, please let us know!  Contact Tember (  We need your help from helping to run the party to props big or small. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

ARISIA, Incorporated

Building 600, PMB 322

1 Kendall Square

Cambridge, MA 02139

Upcoming meetings

Corporate meeting and Arisia social/BBQ: Sun August 6th , 2 pm, Eastlake residence, Milton MA. Party directions are on the back of the invitation enclosed in Mentor or call 508-634-2066. Questions? Contact Jack Dietz (

Corporate meeting: Sun September 17th at MIT building 66.

Divhead and concomm meetings will be scheduled for the month of September.

Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, Incorporated. All material copyright 2003, Arisia, Incorporated. All rights reserved.