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Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, incorporated. All material copyright 2003. Arisia. Incorporated. All rights reserved.
The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated—Number 132, June/July 2004
All general (non-honorary) corporate memberships expire at the
end of August. Dues in the amount of $24 must be paid (or a
request for waiver of dues must be submitted to the Executive
Board) by the start of the Annual Meeting in order to retain
voting rights, or to run for office.
Minutes of the June/July Meeting
The March meeting was called to order at the residence of Skip
Morris at 8:40 PM on 29 June 2004.
In the Clerk’s absence Skip took minutes.
In attendance were: Lisa Hertel, Tom Murphy, Joel Herda, Cris
Shuldiner, Nicholas "Phi" Shectman, Carsten Turner, Rachel
Silber, Rick Kovalick, and Skip Morris.
Proxies: Alex Latzko to Phi, Ben Levy to Cris Shuldiner.
The meetings was run under the more or less standing agenda:
Executive Board Report:
The EBoard met. The hotel has informed us that they held the
wrong dates for Arisia ’05. The dates they are holding are Janu-
ary 21-23 instead of January 14-16. The EBoard has appointed
Skip to negotiate with the hotel over this issue. Skip has been
authorized to consult with an attorney. Phi has sent a retainer
check to said attorney. In other business Cris Shuldiner was
appointed as Convention Treasurer for Arisia ’05.
President (Joel):
Nothing additional. The EBoard did not have time to conduct
ConChair interviews for Arisia ’06, too much other business.
Vice President (Noel):
Not present, no report.
Treasurer (Phi):
I’m in the process of closing the
Fleet bank accounts and opening Wainwright Accounts.
Chair ’03 (Skip):
Nothing to report.
Treasury ’03 (Alex):
Not present, no report.
Chair ’04 (Carsten):
Still ya-da ya-da ya-da. (Ed note:
Chair ’04 report is verbatim.)
Treasury ’04 (Pat McK):
Not present, no report. (
(Ed note: The substitute clerk was directed to note the
Treasury ’04 report as "Ibid".)
Chair ’05 (Buzz):
ConComm meeting yesterday (28
June 04). Events DivHead is now Pat Vandenberg. We now
have all DivHeads, but we need lots of Department Heads.
We’re planning a large party at WorldCon Saturday night, talk
to Phi for details or to volunteer to help. We’ll have a large room
with corkage waiver in the Sheraton. The party theme is a
"Mini-Arisia" where we’ll try and duplicate many parts of Arisia
on a miniature basis (eg, Registration, Art Show, Films, etc,
etc.) There’s also an Arisia activity on Thursday night as part of
the WorldCon "First Night" carnival thing. It was noted that the
Thursday night event is a Corporate event, the Saturday night
party is a Convention event.othing to report.
Treasury ’05 (Cris)
: Deferred ‘till later since there are
a number of motions.
Individual reports
Database Committee (Merv)
: I've been lame; we
need to have a meeting to talk about Congo.

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Mentor of Arisia - The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated.
Building 600, PMB 322, 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA O2139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, incorporated. All material copyright 2003. Arisia. Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Honors Committee (Joel):
Have not met, no report.
Hotel Search Committee (Tom C):
Not present;
it was noted that Hotel Search is on hold until Park Plaza dates
issue resolved.
Long Range Planning (Bridget):
Has not met;
the members present requested that the pending Bylaw Amend-
ment be published before the next meeting.
Timeline Committee (Skip):
Have had one pre-
liminary meeting; next meeting scheduled for July 6th. Elaine
Brennan and Rachel Silber have agreed to join the committee.
Corporate Inventory Control (Skip):
Is plan-
ning on holding a sorting session in the next two weeks. Con-
tact Skip if you can help. Also, Skip measured storage, as best
as can he can tell Storage is 1026 square feet, +/- about 3-4
inches in both directions. Skip also has bought a new lock and
keys. The lock is a Chinese knockoff of a Schlage lock. They
core and keys are Medeco. Keys have serial numbers, protected
by patent, and cannot be duplicated easily. Keys were handed
out to keyholders present. Some silliness occurred when people
decided they didn’t like the numbers they were given and pro-
ceeded to trade keys. When the dust settled the following peo-
ple had been given or assigned the following keys: 1=Joel,
2=Rick, 3=Skip, 4=Carsten, 5=Buzz, 6=Phi, 7=Alex, 8=Lisa,
9=Noel. Alex, Noel and Buzz will have their keys mailed to
them. The lock will be changed before Skip goes back down to
Houston. [Ed Note: I fully expect Noel to demand key number 2
from Rick, then for Rick, Lisa and Alex to start trading...]
Grant Committee (Noel):
Not present, no report.
Budget Committee (Phi):
No report.
Corporate Sales (Vacant):
No report.
Corporate SysAdmin (Cris):
[Reported verbatum]
The site’s up... oops let me check... yeah the sites up...
Survey Committee (Claudia M):
Not present, no
Tech Equipment Committee (Joel):
No report.
I-Don’t-Know-Committee (ie, just ran-
domly reported):
There is a web log at,
it only has a couple entries.
Treasury ’05 (Cris)
: [Note: Full report promised in
EMail.] Putting a budget together. Passed around for comment,
have got a fair amount of comment back.
Motion 1/Adopted: It’s been 10 years since Arisia changed
dealer rates; we have a waiting list. Moved to: Increase
dealer’s rate from $60 to $100.
Amendment (Lisa)/Failed Many-to-1: Have a $40 discount for
used book dealers.
Amendment (Skip)/Failed 7/3: Have three tier structure for
dealer’s row $75/$100/$125 where the less desirable space
gets the cheapest rate, average space the middle rate, and
the most desirable space the highest rate, with Chair / Con-
Comm defining layout of space and prices thereof.
Main motion passed, rates raised to $100.
Motion 2/Passed 6-4: To stop covering the cost of returning
artwork to artists, keep the Mail-In fee to $15 and define it
just as an Administrative Fee.
Motion 3/Passed as modified below: To continue the $30 Con-
vention Advance Registration rate thru 11/30/04, raise to $50
thereafter. The meeting moved to a Committee-Of-The-Whole
to discuss rates and dates. The final result approved was: Set the
current rate of $30 thru August 31; raise to $40 on Septem-
ber 1st thru November 30
; raise to $50 December 1st &
thereafter. A $10 discount is authorized for marketing spe-
Motion 4/Tabled: Lower the Student Rate from $40 to $30.
The meeting moved to a Committee-Of-The-Whole to discuss
student rates. The issue was eventually tabled until info from
last year’s student registration numbers available.
Old Business:
New Business:
Motion (Merv)/Failed Many-to-none: [Text of motion not avail-
able, promised in Email. Effect was to set current informal
practice of handing out keys (detailed in motion) as official
Corporate Policy.]

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Mentor of Arisia - The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated.
Building 600, PMB 322, 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA O2139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, incorporated. All material copyright 2003. Arisia. Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Motion (Rick)/Passed 5-4: To set the At-Con Day Rate to
$25/$35/$20 (ie, raise Friday rate from $20 to $25).
Merv: Announced he will run for Corporate Treasurer, then
Carsten: Traveling Renfare show-The Good, The Bad, and The
Ugly. Currently doing stint at Vermont Fair. Approximately
$4K of Arms & Armory stolen; including swords, chain mail,
etc. Go to “” for more info, there is a link to list
of stuff lost. Please notify Carsten if you hear of anything.
Meeting Schedule:
Motion (Rick)/Adopted: Hold the Annual Meeting on Sunday
September 19th at 2 PM at MIT in the Usual Place, and hold
the October Corporate Meeting at 2 PM on October 17th at
MIT. Motion carried with no objections.
Meeting Adjourned at 11:24 PM.
Notice is given of a vote for a pending By-Law
Text is printed below. Vote will take place at
first meeting where twenty-five percent of Corporate Member-
ship is present in person or by proxy.
Moved: To modify the Arisia ByLaws as follows:
Change the text of section 2.1 to read: "2.1 Regular meetings
shall be held by default on the third Sunday of each month, un-
less the Membership or Executive Board sets a different date or
cancels the meeting."
Add a new section 2.1a: "2.1a Meetings shall be held at a de-
fault time and location unless otherwise specified. The default
time and location will be re-examined at the Annual Meeting,
any changes will take effect once published with proper notice."
Change section 2.4: "2.4 All members shall be given notice of
the date, time and location of each meeting at least twelve days
in advance. Meetings scheduled for the default date, time and
location do not require notice. The meeting notice, or separate
notice given within the same time limit, shall contain specific
notice of any of the following events to take place at the meet-
Pre-pend to the existing wording of section 2.5: "Any meeting
may be rescheduled, changed or moved by the Membership or
Executive Board provided proper notice may be met."
Add a new section after 2.9 before Article III: "2.10 Every
Regular Meeting shall consider the meeting schedule for the
following three calendar months before adjourning."
Effect of changes:
1. We're encouraged (but not required) to schedule meetings
three months in advance by adding a required agenda item.
2. Default time/location added to default date of meeting.
3. We meeting is at default date/time/place we can still have a
meeting even if notice was never sent.
4. We're not forced to have a meeting on a bad or inconvenient
date. Date can be changed by vote as long as notice can be met.
[Minor technical changes.]
5. The EBoard is allowed to schedule meetings (EBoard has
always assumed it could, but turns out the bylaws only allow the
membership to set a meeting).
6. Notice now required to include date of meeting as well as
time and location.
[Current wording of relevant sections of the Arisia Bylaws]
2.1 Regular meetings shall be held each month on the third Sun-
day of the month unless the Membership votes to set a different
date. The date of eachvregular meeting shall be fixed at least
forty-five (45) days in advance.
2.4 All members shall be given notice of the time and place of
each meeting at least twelve days in advance. The meeting no-
tice, or separate notice given within the same time limit, shall
contain specific notice of any of the following events to take
place at the meeting:
2.5 If, after a meeting notice has been given, circumstances re-
quire a change in the location or the hour of the meeting, the
meeting is valid if notice of the change is given to each General
member in a time and manner reasonably calculated to enable
the member to attend the meeting.
Membership/Subscription Information
Subscription to Mentor of Arisia is included with Corporate
Membership to Arisia, Incorporated. Membership runs from

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Mentor of Arisia - The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated.
Building 600, PMB 322, 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA O2139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, incorporated. All material copyright 2003. Arisia. Incorporated. All rights reserved.
September 1
to August 31
and costs $24. Dues are pro-rated
on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.
Executive Board
Joel Herda
17 Heath St, Apt 3
Somerville MA 02145
Arisia 2003 Treasurer
Alex Latzko
82 Cliff Rd
Milton MA 02186
Vice President
Noel Rosenberg
PO Box 464
Chelmsford MA 01824-0464
Arisia 2004 Conchair
Carsten Turner
Nicholas Shectman
75 Lexington Avenue
Somerville MA 02144
Arisia 2004 Treasurer
Patrick McCormick
Alex Latzko
82 Cliff Road
Milton, MA 02186-1750
Arisia 2005 Conchair
Buzz Harris
Arisia 2003 Conchair
Skip Morris
PO Box 542
Merrymack, NH 03054-0542
Arisia 2004 Treasurer
Cris Shuldiner
Storage Facility Key Holders
#1 Joel Herda
#2 Rick Kovalcik
#3 Skip Morris
#4 Carsten Turner
#5 Buzz Harris
#6 Nicholas “Phi” Shectdman
#7 Alex Latzko
#8 Lisa Hertel
#9 Noel Rosenberg
#10 *hobbit*
#11 Landlord
Committee Members & Corporate Ap-
pointed Officers
Grant Committee
Noel Rosenberg (chair)
Claudia Mastroianni
Walter Kahn
Database Committee
Tom Murphy (chair)
Michelle McGuire
Tom Murphy
Paul Selkirk
Cris Shuldiner
Budget Committee
Nicholas Shectman (chair)
Alex Latzko
Long Range Planning
Bridget Boyle (chair)
Lisa Hertel
Rick Kovalcik
Skip Morris
‘Zanne Labonville?
Corporate Inventory Control
Skip Morris
Corporate Sales Offi-
Corporate Systems Adminis-
Cris Shuldiner
Survey Committee
Claudia Mastroianni
Gaming Convention Explora-
tory Committee
Technical Equipment
Joel Herda (chair)
Liz Orenstein
Hotel Search Committee
Tom Coveney (chair)
Ben Levy
Skip Morris
Timeline Committee
Skip Morris (chair)
Nicholas Shectman
Lisa Hertel
Rachel Silber
Elaine Brennan

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Mentor of Arisia - The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated.
Building 600, PMB 322, 1 Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA O2139
Arisia, Mentor of Arisia, and the Arisia Lens are service marks of Arisia, incorporated. All material copyright 2003. Arisia. Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Times & Places:
August Corporate Meeting: 1 August 2004 at 14:00 at the
Lazy-Booklet Inn.
Noreascon Four - The 62
World Science Fiction Conven-
tion, 2-6 September 2004 at the Hynes Convention Center,
Sheraton Boston Hotel, Marriott Hotel Copley Place, Boston
Annual Corporate Meeting, 19 June 2004 at 14:00 at the
“Usual Place” (MIT Building 66).
Albacon 2004: 8-10 October 2004 at the Albany Crowne Plaza,
Albany, NY.
Capclave 2004: 15-17 October 2004 at the Tysons Corner Mar-
riott, Vienna, VA.
October Corporate Meeting, 17 October 2004 at 14:00 at MIT
Building 66.
Philcon 2004: 10-12 December 2004 at the Marriott Center City
Arisia ’05: January 2005, at the Park Plaza Hotel, Boston , MA.
Boskone 42: 18-20 February 2005 at the Sheraton Boston Ho-
tel, Boston, MA.
Lunacon 2005: 18-20 March 2005 at the Sheraton Meadow-
lands, NJ.
CostumeCon 23: 29 April-2 May 2005 at the Ogden Marriott
Hotel, Ogden, UT.
ARISIA, Incorporated
Building 600, PMB 322
1 Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139