The Lens


The Newsletter of Arisia, Incorporated -- Number 111, October 2001

Minutes of the Eboard Meeting

The Executive Board met on October 2, 2001, at the Tufts University Arena Annex.

We have enough money in the general fund - $2500 will not affect our ability to conduct our business. We haven't written a check yet. The change in sponsoring organization (from Media in Transition to Lecture Series Committee) doesn't change our willingness to sponsor it.

We dealt with the signature card paperwork.

Colette will take care of the state filing.

Carsten looked into storage in Burlington, Chelmsford, and Dracut. He found real warehouse space in Dracut for about the same $$ as we're paying now. We are 60-day tenants-at-will in our current space. Our plan is to tell the landlord we're staying at least 2 months, and work on getting the space in Dracut. We would move my loading into the con from Somerville, and loading out of the con to Dracut, then renting a truck the next weekend to get the rest of the stuff from Somerville.

There was a general discussion of what we need. There are 2 kinds of storage - archival (records, T-shirts, etc), and stuff we actually use at the cons. Meeting/work space is also good to have.

There was tangential discussion of the film equipment, and storage and repair thereof.

We got a contract proposal from the Marriott, but it's unacceptable. We are continuing to talk to the Sheraton and the Marriott about what it would take to get us away from the Park Plaza. Cris and Buzz will try to get the rate down first, then talk about the gory details. The Mariott has our date for '03, but not '04 or '05. The Sheraton has our date for '04 and '05. We don't have to have a multi-year contract, but could bounce around some more if necessary.

The Park Plaza has offered the current contract, with the '02 rates locked in for 3 years. We should add to the contract some of the things we've gotten in the resume (e.g. the Presidential Suite, the $200 unlimited ice).

Brendan feels we must express our dismay/concern with Philcon regarding their date change for '03. Skip explained that Philcon doesn't have a signed contract yet, but called to inform us that this was their only currently viable option.

There was a freewheeling discussion of growth - whether, why, and how much we want to grow. Noel wants to bring in more college students, because they are potential future staff. Also, more attendees means more $$ for special projects (e.g. battle-bots) and special guests (e.g. foreign guests, filk guests, science guests).

Phil works in the same building as our MailBoxes Etc location. He is willing to pick up and remail non-reg mail. He will talk to Bryt, and coordinate this.

Skip has invited a Writer GoH, and is looking for contact info for his preferred Artist GoH.

The next eboard meeting will be on Tuesday, November 13, at the Ground Round in Chelmsford. The meeting will follow some indeterminate amount of drinking, eating, and smoffing. More precise space/time coordinates will follow.

Minutes of the Corporate Meeting

Sunday, October 21, 2001. MIT building 66, room 168 (the Usual Place). Called to order at 2:20pm.

Brendan Quinn, Nicholas Shectman, Paul Selkirk, Walter Kahn, Drea Brandford, Cris Shuldiner, Traciy Fogarty, Rachel Silber, Lisa Hertel, Michael McAfee, Noel Rosenberg, Pat McCormack.

Tom Murphy to Nicholas Shectman, Skip Morris to Nicholas Shectman.

The President read out the minutes of the last Eboard meeting.

I have obtained from the Commonwealth's web site the form to change the officers of the corporation as filed with them. I have prepared this form and mailed it to the Clerk for his signature and he has an envelope ready to go to mail it in from there. Simple corporate procedure.

I am working on filling a vacancy on the Grant Committee, but will charge through with reviewing at the three pending grant proposals while I find someone. I will likely be making a motion at the next business meeting to allocate more money to the grant fund, as these pending proposals, if approved, will be ready by then. The information on these proposals will be in the next Mentor.

I have collected checkbooks and some documentation from Skip. There is a sizable to-do list and much additional background documentation to sort through before I can present accurate books. However, the following numbers represent a good approximation of the current financial state of the corporation:

There are probably outstanding transactions on several of these funds, and these numbers should not be taken as authoritative, but they do reflect the overall fiscal health of the organization with some accuracy.

No Report.

Although members are usually admonished to sign in, the Clerk exercised his prerogative to simply note members present. All reports and motions should be submitted in writing or suffer the possibility of gross transcription errors. Major items of new business should be presented to the Eboard for consideration before presentation to the Membership. Dues for joining the Corporation are $22 at the beginning of this meeting and $20 after.

The Clerk was reminded to update the corporate meeting calendar on the Arisia web site.

No Report.

No Report.

There is a concom meeting today at 4:00, and all are invited to attend.

No Report.

No Report.

No Report.

No Report.

No Report.

No Report.

No Report.

No Report.

As reported in the minutes of the Eboard meeting.

No Report.

No Report.

The audit fund is currently depleted. Lisa and Skip have been dealing with auditor, but Lisa doesn't know exactly where things stand.

None that anyone could recall.

The following meeting dates were set by consensus:

The next MCFI meeting will be Wednesday 11/7 at 7:30 at the NESFA clubhouse. See or for more information.

Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm.



Membership/Subscription Information

Subscription to Mentor of ARISIA is included with Corporate Membership to ARISIA, Incorporated. Membership runs from September 1st to August 31st and costs $24.00. Dues are pro-rated on a monthly basis for members joining during the year.

September $24   March $12
October $22   April $10
November $20   May $08
December $18   June $06
January $16   July $04
February $14   August $02

Executive Board

Brendan Quinn
309 Lake Street
Waltham MA 02451
Arisia 2002 ConChair
Noel Rosenberg
PO Box 464
Chelmsford MA 01824-0464
Vice President
Colette Fozard
360 Walker Street
Lowell MA 01851-1729
Arisia 2002 Treasurer
Chris Amshey
42 Boston Avenue
Somerville MA 02144
Nicholas Shectman
75 Lexington Avenue
Somerville MA 02144
Arisia 2003 ConChair
Skip Morris
PO Box 542
Merrymack, NH 03054-0542
Paul Selkirk
112A Marblehead St
N Reading MA 01864-1526
Arisia 2003 ConTreasurer

Committee Members & Corporate Appointed Officers

Grant Committee
Colette Fozard (chair)
Cris Shuldiner
Walter Kahn
Krista Ernewein
Hotel Search Committee
Cris Shuldiner (chair)
Skip Morris
Buzz Harris
Brendan Quinn
Budget Committee
Nicholas Shectman (chair)
Woody Bernardi
Derek Lichter
Elka Tovah Menkes
Noel Rosenberg
Long Range Planning Committee
Brendan Quinn
Cris Shuldiner
Walter Kahn
Sheeri Kritzer
Noel Rosenberg
Corporate Inventory Control
Carsten Turner
Corporate Sales Officer
Nicholas Shectman
Corporate Systems Administrator
Cris Shuldiner
Survey Committee
Ben Levy
Gaming Convention Exploratory Committee
Technical Equipment Committee
Joelll Herda (chair)
DataBase Exploratory Committee
Rachel Silber, Chair
Traciy Fogarty
Michelle McGuire
Tom Murphy
Paul Selkirk
Cris Shuldiner
Official Mermaid
The Manatee

Storage Facility Key Holders

Brendan Quinn
Colette Fozard
Nicholas Shectman
Paul Selkirk
Elka Tovah Menkes
Noel Rosenberg
Skip Morris
Carsten Turner
Linda Nee
Cris Shuldiner
Bryt Bradley

Membership Roster

Chris Amshey Patrick McCormack
Rob Bazemore Michelle McGuire
Drea Brandford Skip Morris
Brian Cooper Tom "Merv" Murphy
Tom Fish Brendan Quinn
George Flynn Matthew F. Ringel
Traciy Fogarty Mary Robison
Colette Fozard Noel Rosenberg
Joel Herda Matthew Saroff
Brendan Hertel Paul Selkirk
Lisa Hertel Nicholas Shectman
Walter Kahn Cris Shuldiner
Allan Kent Rachel Silber
Sheeri Kritzer Rachel Silverman
Ben Levy Pat Vandenberg
Claudia Mastroianni  


Calendar of Events

November 01-04, 2001
World Fantasy Convention
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

November 18, 2001, 2:00 PM
Arisia Corporate Meeting
MIT 66-168, Cambridge MA. Stick around afterwards for...

November 18, 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA

November 20, 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

December 16, 2001, 2:00 PM
Arisia Corporate Meeting
MIT 66-168, Cambridge MA. Stick around afterwards for...

December 16, 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT 66-168, Cambridge, MA

December 18, 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

December 28-30, 2001
Sheraton, Reston VA

January 6, 2001, 4:00 PM
Arisia '02 ConCom Meeting
MIT Building 66 at MIT in Cambridge, MA

January 8, 2001, 7:00 PM
Arisia '02 DivHead Meeting
Tufts University Arena Annex, Somerville, MA.

January 18-20, 2001
Arisia '02
Park Plaza Hotel, Boston MA

January 20, 2001, time TBA
Arisia Corporate Meeting
Park Plaza Hotel, Boston MA

January 25-27, 2001
Sever Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge MA





ARISIA, Incorporated
#322, Building 600
1 Kendall Square
Cambridge, MA 02139